Today we finished up our exploration of Galilee and the 3 year ministry of Jesus. We started the day with Mass at Capernaum where Jesus said, “Eat My Flash and Drink My Blood!“ I gave my talk entitled “Defending the Eucharist.

St. Peter’s Fish for lunch. Then we headed south towards Jerusalem stopping along the way for snacks and restrooms and then visiting the place where Mary met with her relative Elizabeth. Mary walked over 90 miles which always surprises people. From the Visitation we headed to our hotel, the Notre Dame Center in Jerusalem.

After dinner I gave Janet and my conversion story in the auditorium at the Notre Dame Center.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Tt

    Where's the 2000 yo boat?

    STEVE RAY HERE: And the ruins of a boat found in the mud and restored from the time of Jesus.

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