There was a bike race today that closed the streets of Tiberias so we had to be very clever to get out of the hotel around the roadblocks and on the road to our pilgrimage sites today.

We started with Mass at Beatitudes before driving to the northern tip of Israel along the Lebanese border to Caesarea Philippi where Jesus told Peter, “You Are a Rock!” Lunch at a Druze Restaurant before stopping on the Syrian border to discuss the situation in the Middle East, things you never hear in the media back home.

The priests told their vocation stories on all three buses. We visited Tabgha where Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish and then the Primacy of Peter where Jesus appointed Peter to be his shepherd. A bit of free time back at the hotel before a magnificent dinner at the Magdalena restaurant.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Rel

    Thanks Steve for sharing videos of the holy places where our Lord Jesus Christ set foot. Truly amazing even just watching it in this side of the world. The light moments are also fun to watch. Though the food did made me a bit hungry, it all looks good and I’m sure it taste good as well. Man, I almost clapped with the group and cheer on that good o’le chef for those palate delightful work of art. Keep the faith alive and God bless you all on this pilgrimage!

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