I started my day early with a 3.5 mile run along the shore of Galilee as the sun began to rise. You can see the map, pictures and videos here.

Our pilgrimage day can be seen in two videos below: ONE VIDEO of our day visiting holy, biblical and historical sites, and the SECOND VIDEO of our marvelous dinner at Aberge Shulamit in Rosh Pina.

We had Mass at the Mount of Beatitudes. Fr. Tom gave a wonderful homily (again) and it was a delight hearing the proclamation of the Gospel from the top of the Mount of Beatitudes overlooking the Sea of Galilee where Jesus taught the Sermon on the Mount.

It began to rain but we worked around it. We drove to Caesarea Philippi (named Banias today). This is where Jesus renamed Peter “Rock”, giving him a new dignity and designation and establishing an office. I gave my talk on the buses “Peter: the Rock, the Keys & the Chair.”

We then scrambled up the rock and took a lot of pictures and answered a lot of questions. Then to lunch at the Druze Restaurant (see the video). We then drove through the Golan Heights and returned to the hotel — due to the rain — and Fr. Shane gave his daily “Reflections on the Sites Visited.” People had time for a nap, a walk, or just to sit by the Sea of Galilee and read the Gospels.

The second video is below.

Then we went to an elegant dinner which you will see below in the second video. I tried to make sure that all the pilgrims made it into this video for family and friends back home. The restaurant is Aberge Shulamit in Rosh Pina Israel north of the Sea of Galilee. A great time was had by all and a good Comedy Club on the bus on the return trip!


This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. Doug Daunis

    Thanks for the explanation of ‘The Rock’. I never knew that! It just makes so much sense. And to see it on the video just nails it down.

  2. Doug Daunis

    Yo Chuck! Did you take a walk out on the sea yet?

  3. Maura Lenahan

    Hey Mom and Dad! It’s really cool to be able to watch these videos and feel like I’m there with you; it looks like you guys are having the time of your lives, you always look so happy when i catch glimpses of you in the videos! I love you both so much!

    P.S. I got the job!

  4. Kristen Geving

    Thank you so much for posting these videos. It was so neat to see my parents, Donna and Jerry Lawrason, reciting their wedding vows. Seeing my parents and aunt in the videos, knowing that they’re safe, makes it easier for me. Please say hello to Donna, Jerry and Debbie…and tell them that I love them and the babies are fiine!

    Kristen and Tom Geving

  5. john nossal jr

    my mother Diane Nossal is on the trip and it is really cool following your updates on u tube.nice to see her and everyone else in the video.please tell her I love her and keep having fun in the Holy Land along with everyone else. John

  6. john nossal jr

    these vids are great I saw my mother Diane Nossal and looks like everyone is enjoying the trip !
    please tell her I love her and keep having fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! John

  7. Candice O'Dess

    Dear Rick, Val and Lisa,
    I may not be with you on the physical trip, but I sure am enjoying the trip from my arm chair. You are in my thoughts and heart.
    Love Candice

  8. Elizabeth Ramos

    Hi Mom and Dad,

    You are very much missed. We anxiously await for these posts to see you on your journey. We are so happy for you that you are having this spiritual experience. God has blessed our family with the most kind, loving, and generous parents and grandparents. And I am happy to see that there is absolutely no shortage of wine in Israel. Cheers.

    Alex, Elizabeth, and Flora Ramos

  9. Marilyn Schuster

    Rick & Val,
    Amazing to see you half way around the world and in truly awesome videos. Thanks so much for sharing, it surely is inspiring. And by the way, from the looks of it chow boy must be in his glory. Food, more food, and wine. God is smiling on you.

  10. Beckeman Bunch

    Looks like fun! We were glad to see you receiting your vows, very special.

    To your middle eastern family the food looks fabulous, MMmmmmm. Looks like you even got close to Lebenon, the children thought that was cool. Today sunday we got about 5 inches of snow (so far) and Maggie rode so well today at the stables. We went to the art museum with the children yesterday and took them to a true detroit landmark American Coney Island for lunch. Fun day! We miss you and the grandbabies are wondering how much longer you will be gone. Oh Eric and I had dinner at Fortessa, oh so yummy.

    Hope you are enjoying the pilgramiage, and was wondering if you prayed for the children to all attend RJ’s school because Eric on our date nite brought it up. Boy the power of God is good. Keep up what you are doing there. We miss you so much!!! I mean really miss you.!!!! Looks like a special trip. We’ll keep on praying for you and your journeys!! We love seeing the videos of you two. Its been a fun way t o connect. Love the Beckeman Bunch…..



  12. Sue Bennett

    Chuck seeing the smile on your face during dinner says it all. Can’t wait for the stories when you retune. Sue

  13. Paul Hoppe

    Mom, we miss you- it looks like you are having fun on this pilgrimage.

    BTW, tell Fr, Tom I used the joke at the dinner table tonite and got almost as big of a laugh.

    Love, Ellen, Paul & Will

  14. Lisa Brown

    thank you so much for all the videos, it is so nice to see what my parents are seeing while they are seeing it! plus it puts my fears at ease to know everyone is having fun and is SAFE! please say hi to Nancy and Steve from all their family!! we love you so much and hope you are having as much as it looks like on the video…

  15. Danielle Albert

    To: Bill and Barbara Albert

    It’s great to see you and your group on these videos! Looks like you are all having a wonderful time. We all miss you and love you! Love, Danielle, Kevin, Samantha and Jason.

  16. David Lawrason

    Hi Mama, Papa, and Aunt Deb!! Looks like you guys are having a wonderful time! I love being able to follow along on the blog. I’ve enjoyed seeing you guys on the videos as well! Stay safe and keep enjoying! I can’t wait to see you guys when you get home.

    I love you!


  17. Kathy Burlile

    Hi to everyone!
    I’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching the videos and getting a glimpse of the wonderful sites you’ve visited. Keep up the good work Steve! Wish I could taste some of the different and delicious looking food! Hi to Chris and John Klemmer…enjoy your trip….your in our thoughts and prayers. Kathy

  18. Doug Daunis

    Hey Chuck,

    Saw you at that restaurant last night. Didn’t see anyone eating any boiled crawfish. What’s up with that?

    Looks like ya’ll are having a great time…wish you were here!

  19. Nicholas Buhay

    Hi Nicholas,
    I can’t find you on the video! Where are you? I have looked 3 times and I can’t see you. I am so glad you were able to go on this trip with Fr. Slowinski. Dinner on Sunday at 3:00pm with family we are all waiting to hear about your trip. Miss you.

    Mom & Kerri

  20. Carmen Jones

    well i thought I left a comment but I don’t see it so I’ll leave another –
    God Bless all of you – this trip will change your life – wish I could be with to meet the wonderful people
    Shirley Berney – you look great – I haven’t seen a smile like that in a hundred years !
    enjoy – drink in all you can because it will be over before you know it.
    Blessings to all for a safe return and inspirations/insights only one can find in the Holy Land.

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