Another good day and everyone felt a lot better after a good night’s sleep. We took off early for Mount Tabor where the Transfiguration took place 2,000 years ago.
People always ask me, “How long did it take for Jesus and the three disciples to get to the top of the mountain?” I never had an answer until last week. I decided to climb-run to the top and back down. It took one hour and 15 minutes to get up and 45 minutes to come down the shorter side. You can see the video of that run here.
We had a great time on the top of Tabor (and in the whizzing taxis up and down). Then off to Cana in Galilee to renew wedding vows. One couple was celebrating 52 years of marriage.
Then to lunch in Nazareth before having Mass at the Grotto of the Annunciation where Gabriel announced the good news to Mary. We toured this church and got everyone back in time for a short rest and dinner. After dinner Fr. Shane sat with the group on the shore of the sea and gave a biblical reflection of all the things we had seen this day.
