Great first full day of our pilgrimage. We started out at Mount Tabor (Mountain of the Transfiguration). Then we renewed wedding vows in Cana of Galilee. Next we had lunch in Nazareth before Mass at the Church of Annunciation.

Video is in process and I hope to have it up in a few hours. All is well, food is great, spiritually enriching, weather beautiful and all are happy and enjoying some free time this afternoon and evening.


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Juan-Carlos Garcia-Garavito

    I want to see my family …. Steve … wake up!!!
    Just joking!!!

    We are very excited about this git God has given us by sending Lilia and Maria to the pilgrimage, while I juggle with the 2 young children, who are asking every day when Mom and Maria are coming.

    Not today, not yet, almost there, no more of those questions, go to bed … now!!!

    Little mortage here to keep the guys happy: 2 new bikes, couple of swords.

    Dad rushing back carrying the bikes back from school to make it to 9am Mass at the Parish.

    Yes, I am loosing weight.

    Hope you all enjoy.

    No time for pool Maria … most important is to breath every single moment right on the land. Time will come for pool time back home.

    Mom, no excuse to stay in the hotel because it is too cool for a walk. Take the bed blanket, put it around and go for the walk.

    Many thanks to Janet, Steve and the crew for taking care of all.

    I keep writing to see if the video shows up, but not yet. Are we there yet, Steve? Are we there?

    May God bless all.

    Juan, Francisco and Joaquin.

  2. Lauren, Martha, Louise, Therese and John Paul

    hey mom and dad(laurie and chris lapain)
    Everyone is fine back home. We miss you both lots!!! The weather is beautiful, sunny and not a cloud in the sky.
    Lauren made us tai food for supper, it was good. Mary and Nick should be coming home tonight at 12pm.
    Martha today got her science mark at the moment, its 93% and the highest in her class, she was really excited. Louise day was good and got 4s on her science and math quizes. Therese did “stuff” today, like math and literacy. John Paul is counting down till his birthday, 8 more days. today he went into Mrs. Kenette’s class and played on the smart board, they were working with estimation. Also, at ressus he got hit in the face with a tennis ball, but don’t worry he’s okay. Lauren had to work today. She studied for a bit then made the Tai food for supper before heading off.
    We miss you guys so MUCH!!
    And can’t wait till you come home and share your pilgramage with us!
    TONS of love and prayers,
    Lauren, Martha, Louise, Therese and John Paul
    P.S. Dont forget to get Johnny’s camel poop

  3. Yvonne Pastore (Bob and Alice Lopez)

    Hello Dear pilgrims! Wow what an amazing sight it was to see you all renewing your vows at the Wedding Church of Cana!

    Little Nicholas, our youngest, watched the video with me this evening, and said, “Look mom, Papa is talking to me!” Thanks for that beautiful video, I am still wiping away my happy tears!

    God is so generous!

    John Paul, Dominic, and Nicholas send their love and prayers to their Papa, and Nana, and to all the fellow travelers.

    with our hearts moved~ Yvonne Pastore

  4. Raymond Brooks

    Greetings from Pennsylvania,
    Nice shots during the renewal of the wedding vows. I can see a lot of joy on the trip. I also enjoyed the excerpts from the presentations that were shown. I’m, sure the trip is very enlightening. Have a Joyfull and blessed time.

  5. John Meadows

    Hello from Misissippi
    Looks like everybody is having a great time, wish I could be there with yall. Keep sending the videos, I love them.

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