Our group was the first one off the ship so we could have Mass outdoors at the Zygatis River where Paul baptized his first European convert named Lydia. She was a wealthy businesswoman who manufactured purple cloth. We renewed our baptismal vows here during the Mass.

I gave my talk “What Must I Do to Be Saved? And How Am I Born Again?“ in the outdoor theater, where Paul assumedly spoke to the people of Philippi. We saw the prison where Paul and Silas were incarcerated before their release, and we walked through the ancient ruins of the city of Philippi.

A nice lunch before we headed back to Kavala, where I took people out to walk on the ancient Via Egnatia, the same road Paul walked on between Neapolis (Kavala) and Philippi.

Back to the ship for a wine tasting class and then I gave my talk on “An Intro to the life and Teachings of St. Paul.” An excellent group dinner in our private dining room, and then a good night’s sleep.
