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It was with sadness this morning that I learned about the death of Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter. I always enjoyed his enthusiasm, love of adventure, and daring. Steve was stung in the heart by a stingray (click here to see video of a stingray) while filming an underwater documetary entitled "The Ocean's Deadliest."

When we started our Footprints of God video series I had everyone in the crew watch the Crocodile Hunter shows. I said that even though our topics were more serious than his — I wanted our documentaries to have a similar feel of adventure and discovery. I wanted a fast-paced exciting format. I was always honored when people called me the "Catholic Crocodile Hunter."

I thank Steve Irwin for inspiring us and I pray for his soul — especially since I don't know whether he prepared for his eternal destiny or not. May God have mercy on him and his family.
