“Created for Greatness”: The Emerging Catholic Men’s Movement – CWR Article

My friend Joe Hanneman just had his excellent article on the need for Mens’ Movements in Catholic World Report. He had interviewed me for the article and he used my quotes 🙂

Men, and women who love their men, should read this article and encourage real men to be involved. It makes better sons, better brothers, better husbands who are better lovers and fathers. 

It starts out: 

Flanked by candle-bearing acolytes, the priest held the monstrance aloft and processed through the aisles of the massive Milwaukee Theatre. More than 2,500 men were on their knees in adoration as the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ passed before them, bedecked in gold. The solemn Eucharistic procession was the culmination of the ninth annual Men of Christ conference: a day of prayer, speakers, reflection, and Mass. In the halls outside the theater, the line for confession was 200 deep much of the day, even with more than 75 priests hearing confessions. Men waited an hour or more to confess their sins and be forgiven. For some, it was their first confession in years, even decades.

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Steve speaking at a big Men's Rally

On a Saturday when the highly ranked Wisconsin Badgers were playing tournament basketball on television, a small city of Catholic men instead gathered in downtown Milwaukee to get closer to Christ. From ages 8 to 90, they filled the sprawling, ornate theater for more than eight hours of Catholic enrichment. The chorus of deep, resonant voices seemed to lift the roof during the Lord’s Prayer. Extended applause greeted Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki when he announced his support for concealed carry — then pulled out a Rosary as his weapon of choice. It seemed every man in the audience had one.

What’s going on here? The leaders of this emergent movement say the goal of events like this is nothing less than complete restoration of the Catholic man. Think “band of brothers” over pockets of loners; would be-martyrs instead of has-been quitters. Virtue and service over vice, sin, and addiction.

Every Catholic Caspar Milquetoast is being called to emulate Don John of Austria, who with the Holy League saved Christendom from the Ottoman Turks. Yesterday’s average Joe is being remolded as priest, prophet, and king—a bold and self-sacrificing leader in the model of Jesus and St. Joseph. The call has gone out: real Catholic men wanted. Rosary-praying, faith-defending spiritual warriors. Education and training will be provided.

“Men need support and friendship of other Catholic men,” said Steve Ray, Catholic author, apologist, and creator of the Footprints of God documentary series. “We’re in a war, and men are starting to realize it. Life is getting tougher. We can no longer consider ourselves part of the flow of American culture.” Ray, who has spoken at the Men of Christ conference, said the timing is right for men to reclaim their Catholic faith and be prepared to defend it.

“Our society today is becoming very anti-Christian and especially anti-Catholic,” Ray said. “Our steeples go very high. We have very strong standards on morals and the world is going to hate us for it. Any man who stands up and says he is a Catholic and he believes what the Church teaches, he better be ready for a fight. That is why men are banding together. They are realizing we are going into a very difficult time in our country.”…

To read the whole article click here. By the way, if you need Steve to come speak at your event, visit www.InviteSteve.com


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Julie LaBrecque

    Steve, from the bottom of my heart, I love your vigor and passion for The Church, it has propelled me in ways you’ll never know. I have all of your books and most if not all of your DVDs, loved them all, most importantly, learned so much from them. The Church at this time has so many great apologists, many of them converts to the faith, how much more can God bless us! I was so excited last year to hear you were coming to Oklahoma thinking I could attend the event, but alas, it was for men only. Maybe someday you’ll return to Okieland for an event that includes women! Keep up the good work, please know that you have been an inspiration and a blessing to me. I have to give a shout-out to your wife Janet – behind every good man, there is a good woman. Your sister in Christ – Julie

  2. Abby

    Awesome! Prayers for our husbands, brothers and fathers.

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