This morning we left Fatima early and drove north through the beautiful countryside of Portugal. We stopped at Coimbra for Mass at the Carmelite Monastery where Sister Lucia lived for 57 years. We also visited the museum of her life which was very interesting especially having just been to Fatima.

From there we drove north to Braga which is one of the beautiful and best kept secrets of Portugal. It is the most photographed church in the whole country and everybody realized why when we got there. The life-size and very dramatic statues and scenery behind the the altar brings vividly to life all the people involved at the crucifixion. We walked in the door right when the pipe organ was playing which created a stunning ambience.

Then north across the border into Spain arriving at the best hotel in all of Santiago de Compostela. It is up on the side of a mountain looking down over the city. But before we arrived we took a tour of the city and saw the pilgrims of the El Camino coming in to town. After a delicious dinner we all crashed in the bed looking forward to the feast Day of St. James who’s bones are in the cathedral here in Santiago.

In case you didn’t know it, Santiago means “Saint James.” So we are here for his feast day. Enjoy the day’s video and the 2nd video of Msgr. Droll’s excellent homily at the Carmelite Convent.                 


