Tim Staples writes:

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Bishop Thomas Paprocki

This is yet another example of the younger bishops (and priests) who are coming up in the Church right now. I have not read a more concise, charitable and absolutely orthodox presentation on the error of so-called homosexual “marriage.”

God Bless Bishop Paprocki who was getting heckled as he presented these poetic as well as prophetic opening remarks in a debate with a “Catholic” dissenter!

The article starts:

PHOENIX, June 5, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) – In what is being acknowledged even by liberal Catholics as a courageous move, Springfield, IL Bishop Thomas Paprocki debated dissident nun Sr. Jeannine Gramick on the topic of gay “marriage” before a decidedly gay-friendly crowd on Friday. In a shocking revelation in his opening remarks, the bishop told the crowd that his former secretary was brutally murdered by a gay activist simply for suggesting that he change his lifestyle.

Heckling and insults from the crowd and were expected and received as the bishop laid out the argument in favor of traditional marriage, after which he concluded, “some of you may be sneering, and I might be lucky if you said you were willing to hear me again on this topic some other time… In the end, I hope that at least a few of you will agree with my remarks.”

Read the story HERE.
