Just returned to Jerusalem after climbing straight up and back down Mount Tabor (Mountain of the Transfiguration). It took 1 1/4 hour up the torturous path on the SE and a bit less to scramble down the north side.
Read Luke 9:28-36 (hover your cursor over the reference) about Jesus climbing up with Peter, James and John for the Transfiguration. It is also where Deborah and Barak defeated the army of Hazor (Judges 4:1-24) and where Jesus commissioned his Apostles to take the Gospel to the world and to baptize (Matthew 28-16-20). Enjoy the video below. I will soon post my walk through Wadi Qelt from Jericho toward Jerusalem.
Tomorrow we visit Hebron and I run between the tomb of the patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) to the Oaks of Mamre where the Lord met Abraham at his tent in Genesis 18 before the destruction of Sodom.
Wednesday I plan to run the snake path to the top of Masada. Still deciding what to do Thursday before our group arrives on Friday.
More soon.

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