Choice of Biden for VP Re-opens Catholic Wound

So, Barak Hussein Obama finally chose his Vice President–“Catholic” pro-abortionist Senator Joe Biden. These are my initial thoughts.
First, this will propel pro-abort “Catholic” politicians right into the spotlight demanding bishops unite and do their job!
Second, it shows that Obama is NOT for change, “a new America.” Biden is an entrenched Washington insider–a Washington politician and in the Senate longer than McCain!
Third, it shows that Obama himself realizes he is not ready to be president, especially in foreign affairs, so he chose an experienced senator to help him so people are not so afraid of his inexperience and ineptness.
Read the Fidelis article Choice of Biden Re-Opens Catholic Wound.
It will be interesting to watch all the news clips and interviews in which Biden criticized Obama and promoted McCain. I bet they will be prominent in Republican ads.
