As same-sex marriage begins, Iowa may change ‘father’ and ‘mother’ on birth certificate
Less than four weeks after an April 3 Iowa Supreme Court decision that imposed same-sex marriage upon the state, counties began to process same-sex marriage applications on April 27. In addition to changing the wording of “bride” and “groom” on marriage certificates, the state may also change “father” and “mother” on birth certificates.

What will they call dogs and cats when they legally become part of the “family” unit? Will bestiality be legalized for those who want to express their effection and “family bond” with the canine and feline family members? Don’t laugh, this could easily be the next step in this obsurd saga of the families’ demise. Things that were unthinkable 20 years ago — are now accepted and made law. Don’t laugh; weep for your grandkids — whatever they will be called by then!
