We take the Metro Cars back-and-forth to the airport for all our multiple flights. I make sure we never take more than 10 minutes to get a conversation started about the things that matter most — Christianity and the Catholic Church.

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Today on our way to the airport to fly to Milan Italy to pick up our sold out group we had a driver named Yosef (Arabic for Joseph).

We came to find out that he is a Catholic from Iraq and his family is very, very Catholic and devoted to the Faith.  Once I start of the conversation he was so excited he bubbled over and was happy to tell us about how much he loved America, the Catholic Church, Jesus Christ and his mother Mary.

We  discussed a good bit about Islam and as a Catholic from Iraq he had strong opinions which we shared completely.

Anyway, always remember to talk to people about the Lord and his Church —and good conservative politics too — because not only is it good evangelism but it also encourages fellow believers in the truth of the faith. And we sure know that’s necessary today.
