Catholic Enablers of Islam

Iran President Hassan Rouhani walks with Pope Francis at the Vatican on January 26, 2016. Photo courtesy of REUTERS/Andrew Medichini/Pool *Editors: This photo may only be republished with RNS-POPE-ROUHANI, originally transmiteed on Jan. 26, 2016.
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by WILLIAM KILPATRICK in Crisis Magazine

I recently wrote a piece about the civilizational struggle with Islam. In response, a reader asked for some specific practical ways that Catholics could resist Islam. I replied with a short list of steps Church leaders could take:

  1. Break off dialogue with Muslim Brotherhood-linked groups such as ISNA and ICNA. Stop lending them legitimacy.
  2. Stop backing the phony “Islamophobia”/hate crimes campaign manufactured by Islamist groups. The “Islamophobia” campaign is aimed at shutting down all legitimate examination and criticism of Islam.
  3. Develop apologetics and educational materials that will provide Catholics with a fuller understanding of Islam.
  4. Develop programs in Catholic schools, colleges, and seminaries that will better inform Catholics about Islam. Currently, most Catholic schools are acting as apologists for Islam—simply echoing the Islamic apologists.
  5. Catholic refugee resettlement programs should concentrate on resettling Christian refugees from Muslim countries. Catholic encouragement of Muslim migration to Europe has already had disastrous results and may eventually lead to the extinction of Catholicism in Europe.
  6. Catholic media need to present a more balanced picture of Islam. For the most part, the Catholic fourth estate simply seconds the Islam-positive view of the USCCB.

At that point I realized that these suggestions would not even be considered by the great majority of the Catholic leadership. They would be dismissed out of hand as both unnecessary and discriminatory. In short, Catholic leaders won’t take steps to resist Islam because they see no reason to resist it.

Historically, Islam has been an enemy of the Church. It conquered large parts of the Christian world and, on several occasions, it advanced far into Christian Europe. Moreover, these conquests and attempted conquests were motivated not only by expansionist ambitions but also and primarily for religious motives. Christians were infidels and Allah and his prophet commanded that unbelievers must be subdued.

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Islam still wants to conquer the Christian world and, in particular, Christian Europe. This time, however, the battle plan is different. Instead of an army of soldiers, Islam has deployed an army of migrants. This army has encountered very little resistance on its march through Europe. Indeed, for the most part, it has been welcomed by the authorities and subsidized by them.

In addition to this Trojan horse tactic, Muslims have another strategy of conquest. For a long time, the Muslim birth rate in Europe has far exceeded the native European birth rate. In this “war of the wombs,” Islam is the clear winner. “Mohammed” is the most popular name for baby boys in numerous European cities, and in some places—such as Birmingham and Vienna—there are already more Muslim than Christian children. When the recent influx of millions of Muslim refugees is added to the tens of millions of Muslims already living in Europe, it makes for a combustible critical mass. It means that Islam has been able to establish a fifth column of immense proportions inside Europe’s borders….

For the rest of this excellent article, click here. For Steve Ray’s talk Islam, What Every Infidel Should Know, click here.


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. J.


    I am a non-Catholic who believes that Jesus is Lord, Savior, and God. I have been wavering for years, deciding whether or not to enter the Church. My heart has often been in a state that would lead me to do so, however, my reason seems to guard me from it; articles such as these seem to make the word 'guard' especially appropriate. What has been my hope is to find the true Church so that I may join it in order that I may receive spiritual guidance and provision, deeper understanding of the Truth, and accompaniment through the spiritual challenges of this life. There are many things which I tend to believe about the Catholic Church and its claims of itself – but one thing that seems to be the case from articles like these, which I also sense deeply and of a strangely similar nature throughout American society at large, is that many of the leaders of the Catholic Church are deceived, which is perhaps the most charitable interpretation one could render for the failure to notice what is described in this article (along with perhaps some other disastrous things in the culture that don't seem to be taken on broadly and widely by the Church leadership, though some good and strong leaders are speaking out). To the core this disturbs me – yet perhaps it disturbs me so greatly, because I have hoped to find a place aboard the ark of the Church. However, if many of the leaders of the Church, along with its Vicar, have decided to take positions or pose postures (that are also made official in Church teaching Nostra Aetate, as far as I understand) which have removed the caution toward and defense (of the Christian faith) against the teachings of Islam, it seems that prudence and caution are warranted for someone like me who would like to come aboard – I don't believe that I'm equipped to reason through all of this myself, and I fear being led by the wrong leaders in the Church. I surely do not mean to be writing as a polemiscist on a pedestal, but rather I am a beggar in search of bread. I do trust in Him to lead me, and also for His provision, as I continue on.

    Thank you for your writings and also for your talks, many of which I have listened to on YouTube. May God bless you.


    Thanks for your thoughtful comments! Just a few thoughts.

    If Jesus started one Church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it — this is exactly what that church would look like 2000 years later, warts, goofy popes and bishops, sinful people and all. It is not a haven for saints as much as it is a hospital for sinners — which is why I joined 🙂

    The Church is like a ship and is on its way to heaven but there are storms along with way — inside the ship and outside with storms. The Church will eventually come around to properly address Islam but it is also up to us laity to speak out, which is what guys like me do.

    My suggestion: get on board!

  2. Bill 912

    Also, J, think about Holy Thursday: ALL Twelve of the Church’s bishops failed Our Lord. Things got better. 🙂

  3. Joe Jones

    Steve and Bill,

    Yes the Church went through some tough in times in the past, but at least there was (I’d like to think at least) some “push back.” Now there isn’t any.

    The reason seems obvious: Islamophilia is being pushed at the highest levels of the Church, which means the Popes (in particular JP2 and Francis). When JP2 kissed the Koran there was no outrage even in the Catholic blogosphere (Jimmy Akin was the sole exception among non-traditionalists), much less by any Bishop.

    Last year a Catholic priest had his throat slit in France and Francis said it had nothing to do with Islam. To add insult to injury, he compared the murders to bad catholics who mistreat their wives.

    And I’d point out that none of this is called for by Vatican II. Yes the documents (particularly on non-Christian religions) have a variety of “time bombs” that could be exploited by the left, it’s general statements don’t justify the idea that there is nothing in the Koran that teaches violence, etc.

    Every Bishop in the US and Europe can get worked up over the US executing all of 30 people a year, but a tax payer funded Islamic invasion of Europe is, if anything, to be commended.

    When the church messed up in the Middle Ages we got Protestantism. Now we are getting Islam. France is already 10 percent Islamic – it may well become Islamic by 2070 if some projections are accurate.

  4. Joe Jones

    I should correct myself, there are Bishops in Eeastern Europe who have spoken out against the Islamic invasion of Europe.

  5. Joe Jones

    I was always struck by this statement by JP2 in addressing Islamic children in Morocco:

    The Catholic Church regards with respect and recognizes the quality of your religious progress, the richness of your spiritual tradition.

    We Christians, also, are proud of our own religious tradition.

    I believe that we, Christians and Muslims, must recognize with joy the religious values that we have in common, and give thanks to God for them. Both of us believe in one God the only God, who is all Justice and all Mercy; we believe in the importance of prayer, of fasting, of almsgiving, of repentance and of pardon; we believe that God will be a merciful judge to us at the end of time, and we hope that after the resurrection he will be satisfied with us and we know that we will be satisfied with him.

    Loyalty demands also that we should recognize and respect our differences. Obviously the most fundamental is the view that we hold on the person and work of Jesus of Nazareth. You know that, for the Christians, this Jesus causes them to enter into an intimate knowledge of the mystery of God and into a filial communion by his gifts, so that they recognize him and proclaim him Lord and Saviour.

    Those are important differences, which we can accept with humility and respect, in mutual tolerance; there is a mystery there on which, I am certain, God will one day enlighten us.

    In addition to the “I like chocolate, you like vanilla” approach, just what “mystery” do Catholics need to be enlightened on?

    I realize the difficulties Christians face in Morroco and similar countries, but not even “why don’t you visit a Catholic church”?

  6. Bill 912

    “…and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.”

    “Let not your hearts be troubled.”

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