On Friday evening I took questions from non-Catholics on Catholic Answers Live. It was great fun and we had excellent questions.
Here is the link to the RealAudio link. Other listening options can be found here.
I will be on again September 18 to to answer more questions from non-Catholics.
1 – The Bible refers to “the brothers” of Jesus. Why does the Catholic Church teach that Mary had no other children when the Bible says Jesus had brothers? (In this regard  I suggest reading the Catholic Answers tracts here and here and the Treatise by St. Jerome (345–420 AD)).
2 – Another question pushing the issue further wondering why these “brothers” were so concerned about Mary if they were not her sons.
3 – Where does the Bible say we should pray to dead saints?
4 – A Baptist who was taught the earth was created in seven literal days. What is the Catholic teaching on creation?
5 – Why do Catholics pray for people in Purgatory to get out early if it is time in purgatory that purifies?
6 – Faith and Works. Why do Catholics think they are saved by works when the Bible says we are saved by faith?
7 – One more that I cannot remember – sorry!
