Catholic Answers Live "Questions from Non-Catholics"

I was on Catholic Answers Live Monday, April 19 at 6 PM Eastern. The topic was “Open Forum for Non-Catholics.” You can find option to the archived show here. Audio link available here.
Here are the questions I answered from non-Catholics.
1) What is the Catholic teaching on war? Jesus seems to be the kind who would be against violence.
2) The Bible says the bishops and deacon but be the husband of one wife. If they are commanded to be married, why are the bishops celibate?
3) What is the “magisterium”? I’ve heard this used but don’t know what it is.
4) I am a Lutheran and our church believes the elements are the body and blood of Christ like Catholics do. So, why aren’t we allowed to take the Eucharist in a Catholic Church? (Long discussion!)
5) Is it possible that the Church has incompetent bishops because of the large number of priest scandals through the years?
6) How can Catholics receive the Body and Blood and not be changed? I gave that up and found new faith and victory just by reading the Bible?
7) How can sinful priests confect the Eucharist and how can sinful people be allowed to eat it?
