On Monday I had a BLAST answering questions from non-Catholics on Catholic Answers Live. the host Patrick Coffin said it was one of the fasted segments he has ever done! I agree!
MP3 Link to the show in the audio archive.
I love these shows since they are always lively and heartfelt. Questioners always have great questions.
Questions I answered tonight on Catholic Answers Live:
– I don’t deny the existence of God but how can we consider God to exist and be loving with the problems and suffering in the world?
– Is there ever a time with the “sense of the faithful” (sensus fidelium) could effect the Church’s stand on women’s ordination?
– As am probably an agnostic, how do you think we initially come to truth [philosophically]? Where do we begin to know truth exists and how to understand it if it does?
– Why do Catholics pray to entities other than God himself?
– How can you say God is loving when he commanded the annihilation of whole nations and has the curse of a father go on to the fifth generation?
– I believe the Pope is the anti-Christ and the Church the Whore of Babylon; where do you draw the line to where you consider someone an “anti-Catholic”?
– You Catholics believe you are saved by works?
– Please explain where you find Purgatory in the Bible?
Click here for instant listening. For more info, to listen on-line, or to find listening options after the fact, click here. You can listen to all my past Questions from Non-Catholics I’ve done, along with all my other 50+ appearances on Catholic Answers Live you can do a search on their Radio Archive page.
