Visit My Daughter's "Finding Baby Sorrill" Blog – She's a Great Girl, Let her know you will pray for her and Wes

It is painful to want a baby and a baby does not come. Years of longing and trying and praying and ... Well, my daughter Charlotte has put her sorrow…

Continue ReadingVisit My Daughter's "Finding Baby Sorrill" Blog – She's a Great Girl, Let her know you will pray for her and Wes

Interview with German Philosopher and Friend of St. JP II: Robert Spaemann on Pope Francis' "Amoris Laetitia"

Stuttgart, Germany, Apr 29, 2016 / 10:49 am (CNA).- Greatly valued as an advisor by Saint John Paul II, a friend of Benedict XVI, and widely held to be the…

Continue ReadingInterview with German Philosopher and Friend of St. JP II: Robert Spaemann on Pope Francis' "Amoris Laetitia"