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Group Shot overlooking Avila Spain

Friends and Family of those traveling with us — if you leave a comment below I will read it on the bus. Anyone can leave a comment and I will read it.

Today was your day! We followed St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross through their hometowns and places of ministry — all on Divine Mercy Sunday. 

We started our day with Mass at the Carmelite Convent where St. Teresa spent most of her life. We saw her cell, and celebrated Mass where she did for over 25 years. We knelt in the confessional where St. John of the Cross heard confessions there. 

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St. James, Slayer of Muslims

One of the themes you see throughout Spain is “St. James the Apostle, Slayer of the Muslims.” The reason is that Muslims conquered Spain in 7 years and it took 700 years for Spain to regain their country from the Moorish hordes that conquered the land and suppressed Christianity. You will see three different images that we saw just today in the castles and churches.

We also sent to Segovia Spain to visit the stunning castles and the cathedral which was dizzying. We visited and prayed at the Tomb of St. John of the Cross. 

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Suckling Pig for lunch; watch them prepare for serving!

We are coming to Fatima, Santiago de Compostela and Lourdes again in July, join us (800-727-1999, ext 121)

Fr. Creegan brought a relic of St. Maria Faustina and we were able to spend time and be blessed by the relic on Divine Mercy Sunday. 

On top of that, we had the Segovia dinner specialty — Suckling Pig. You will enjoy that part of the video 🙂  So much more — but you can join us virtually in the video below.


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Annette Fordyce

    I’ve had a lot of fun watching your travels! Looks like a wonderful trip. Give my daughters (Evangeline and Estelle) and my lovely mother-in-law (Norma) my love!

  2. Karen O'Neill

    Greetings from Canada! We are enjoying following your trip. Wishing Mom and Donna a wonderful and spiritual journey. Best wishes to all the pilgrims. Love, Karen

  3. Mackenzie

    Hello mum and nana! Just got caught up on your trip blogs and videos! And I hope you are enjoying your time! Although i can’t wait till you are home! Love you, a bushel and a peck! Mackenzie

  4. Erin

    Kathy Rupp, what a beautiful journey you are on. Love being able to follow along and get a glimpse of what you seeing. I do wish you’d wave more or something s o I could pick you out easier!! Enjoy your time. God Bless! Love you, Erin

  5. Waggoner Family

    Grandma Liz we have enjoyed watching the videos everyday of your trip. It is fun to try and spot you in the videos and to learn more about our faith and the culture at each location. Safe travels and God bless. Love, Sean, Jen, Joseph, Thomas, and Amelia

  6. Larry Skendzel Jr

    To all the pilgrams, once again the highlights of your travels inspires all of us and calls us into deeper relationship with profound mysteries. A special hello to Jean and Larry Skendzel from the Yoopers on Lake Superior. Spring is just around the corner. They closed the ski hill this Sunday. Thanks for your prayers. Blessings on your continued journey. Love Larry Jr.

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