Cardinal Cupich’s Rational for not Acting Against Pro-abort Politicians Unconvincing….

This article and review is written by Canon Lawyer Ed Peters:

Cdl. Cupich’s rationales for not taking canonical action against prominent pro-abortion Catholic politicos are as unconvincing as ever

June 14, 2019 by Dr. Ed Peters, Canon Lawyer

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No one thought that Chicago’s Blase Cdl. Cupich would follow Springfield’s Bp. Thomas Paprocki’s example in calling upon Catholic state legislators, who had supported Illinois’ express attack on the basic rights of pre-born babies, to refrain from holy Communion until they repented of their evil deed (Canon 916), further directing that his ministers withhold holy Communion from two specific legislators based on their protracted and public support of such measures (Canon 915), so no one was surprised when Cupich didn’t. But, if only ‘for the record’, some replies to Cupich’s rationales for not following Paprocki’s example are in order.

For all of his Peters’ response and five points on Cupich’s lack of action, click here.


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. JoAnne McCormack

    I think it is a shame that the bishops and cardinals do not do their duty. Archbishop Dolan in NY is another one. After the horrific bill signed by Cuomo, he did nothing. Probably cares more about his “ power” than doing what is right in the sight of God. These men are supposed to be leaders, but they do only what is convenient for them. Pray for their souls

  2. Thomas M Govern

    If our bishops do not stand against killing innocents, we can. The Church in the US is afraid to enforce and even preach against abortion and to censure those who support it. We need to let them know how real Catholics feel. Is there an organization or some leadership that can help?

  3. sandi

    One can only wonder at this man’s formation and knowledge of the Catholic faith and question whether he truly believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

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