US bishops: Oppose Senate health care legislation until moral deficiencies are addressed
Denouncing current Senate health care legislation as deficient because it provides federal funding for abortions and leaves Catholic hospitals and physicians bereft of conscience protection, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops emphasized in a December 22 letter that “until these fundamental flaws are remedied the bill should be opposed.”
Poll shows heavy opposition to health-care bill, especially abortion funding
A new poll by Quinnipiac University has found that Americans “mostly disapprove” of the pending health-care reform bill by a substantial margin, and an overwhelming majority rejects the idea of public subsidies for abortion. The poll showed a 53- 36% margin against the legislation as a whole, and a much larger 72- 23% split against the use of public funds to pay for abortion.
Bravo Bishops! Bravo Majority of Americans!
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