Yes, it is already Day 4 and the pilgrimage is 1/2 over – very sad, that! It was beautiful weather and the group stayed together with great grace and style. We have been ahead of schedule throughout the trip.

Bishop Cistone and his priests have been marvelous! The homilies are inspiring and insightful. The Saginaw Diocese is blessed by God by such a humble yet wise and strong leader. 

Today we had Mass Capernaum where Jesus lived, and where he said, “Eat My Flesh and Drink My Blood.” What an amazing thing to eat the Eucharist where Jesus proclaimed its meaning and power. The boat ride from our hotel to Capernaum across the Sea of Galilee was loved by everyone.

After a great lunch of St. Peter’s Fish, the same fish Jesus ate, we drove south UP to Jerusalem. One never goes “down” to Jerusalem since this city is the place where God dwells and is therefore the highest place on the earth! On the way we stopped at the Church of the Visitation where Mary met her relative Elizabeth — after she walked over 90 miles to get there.

I gave my empassioned talk on Mary explaining how she is the Ark of the New Covenant and the Queen of Heaven. After praying the Mystery of the Visitation we drove the the Notre Dame Hotel where we settled in, had a great dinner, set up confessions for everyone and all went to sleep to rest up for a full day in Bethlehem tomorrow.

Today’s Homily by Bishop Cistone’s here.     713_0007


