Birthplace of Elijah, Mass at Miracle of Mary, Jerash, Wrestling Angels: 2nd Day innJordan

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A great first full day in Jordan. We started by visiting the birthplace of Elijah, then Mass at a church that just experienced a miracle of Mary (Fr. Conlon’s Homily), then a great authentic Jordanian lunch.

In the afternoon we visited to the exquisite Roman ruins of Jerash. Then we visited the Jabbok River where Jacob wrestled with God and I wrestled with Fr. James! Here Jacob and was given the new name of Israel. Enjoy!


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Priti

    Hi Steve,

    Hope you are well. I love all of your videos on the Bible and the holy pilgrimage tours.
    Could you please explain why did Jacob wrestle with God instead of showing reverence. How did Jacob survive despite seeing face to face with God.
    Thank you in advance.

    Kind regards,

    STEVE RAY HERE: It seems that Jacob did not realize who he was wrestling with in the dark. It says “Then Jacob was left alone, and a man awrestled with him until daybreak. Ge 32:24.

    God often appeared to men in the form of “the Angel of the Lord.” As such, many saw the angel but did not die.

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