… is that you don’t have to have any solid positions, morals, or theology. You can waffle and change your mind. God has no opinion (obviously, or so think many) so you don’t have to worry about what He might think.
Rick Warren is such a pastor and has now disavowed his opposition to the homosexual agenda and his support for Proposition 8.
Read more.
Update from LifeSiteNews.com
Update from Christianity Today (Evangelical Flagship Magazine
As one guy wrote: But he didn’t endorse Prop 8 in the first place.  Oh, wait — yes he did.  Oh, wait — he was misquoted.  Hey, kudos to Pastor Warren for standing up and forcefully disavowing his non-endorsement.  I look forward to the YouTube video him Windexing the TeleprompTer before President AboveMyPayGrade speaks at Notre Dame.
