The sports medicine doctor walked in with my x-rays in his hand and gave me the bad news, “Your knees are getting worn and don’t like your running. You have to begin cross-training.”

By this he meant exercise that doesn’t pound the knees. So now I’m beginning to add walks and biking to my exploration, even swimming and weights.

BUT I can still run just not as much. New shoes the doctor recommended will also help. I will run when I’m on the road and do the others when at home. I am thinking of buying a bike to keep and use in Israel. Imagine how much exploring and cardio I could do with a bike in the Holy Land!

So today, after 12 days off to to rest the sore knee, I am back to daily adventure. I took off thru the neighborhood on my bike on a cool, beautiful Michigan Fall morning. Felt good and exhilarating.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Marilyn Farneman

    Sorry to hear about your knees although I know you won’t slow down. Had knee surgery a year ago and I walk much better. By the way really enjoyed your Poland pilgrimage and wish I could have been with you.
    Will see the Holy Land in three weeks via Holland America. This will be not as extensive as your pilgrimage but at least I’ll be there. Great program with Marcus. His program is my favorite and helped bring me into the Catholic Church.

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