The sports medicine doctor walked in with my x-rays in his hand and gave me the bad news, “Your knees are getting worn and don’t like your running. You have to begin cross-training.”
By this he meant exercise that doesn’t pound the knees. So now I’m beginning to add walks and biking to my exploration, even swimming and weights.
BUT I can still run just not as much. New shoes the doctor recommended will also help. I will run when I’m on the road and do the others when at home. I am thinking of buying a bike to keep and use in Israel. Imagine how much exploring and cardio I could do with a bike in the Holy Land!
So today, after 12 days off to to rest the sore knee, I am back to daily adventure. I took off thru the neighborhood on my bike on a cool, beautiful Michigan Fall morning. Felt good and exhilarating.

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