As I watched thousands of Catholics in the middle of the “Bible Belt” in Atlanta Georgia, I was brought to tears. Rich and poor, black and white, Vietnamese, Koreans, Africans, Filipinos, priests, 5 bishops, deacons without number, sisters in every type of habit imagined all processing and confessing Jesus as Lord and the Eucharist as his Body and Blood. Parishes, ministries, apostolates, lay groups, orders, knights and every other imaginable group of faithful Catholics.
They procession kept coming and coming and coming. I was reduced to tears. I saw again the universality of the Catholic Church that Jesus Christ founded. What a joy!

Part II is not all I had wished since my camera batteries went dead. But at least you can see the beauty of this event and some of the good friends we met. I was SO proud to be a part of this event and SO proud to be Catholic.
God bless Archbishops Donahue and Gregory for the courage to support and lead the Eucharistic Congress. May their initiative spread through our whole country! 

Click here for a copy of my talk DEFENDING THE EUCHARIST.
