Tuesday morning, August 15

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Sean Herriott at 7 AM EST on Morning Air

Teresa Tomeo at 9:30 AM EST on Catholic Connections.

Click here to listen to Steve and Sean — click here to listen to Steve and Teresa on line. Also, follow their links to listen to the archived shows later.

What is the Assumption — how is it different that ascending? Where do you find THAT in the Bible? Is there any biblical precedent? How is Mary a prefiguring of the Church?

To read more about  the Assumption, click here for a great resources at Catholic Answers.

To learn more about our DVD Mary, Mother of God filmed on location, click here.

To see a picture of the Church of the Dormitian, built over the place Mary "fell asleep", click here and here. To see the grotto below, click here.
