Our group all arrived today in good order in Berlin for the start of our Germany tour. We are going to follow the footsteps of Martin Luther and the Protestant Deformation.

I know that it’s called the Protestant “Reformation” but as a convert to the Catholic Church I realize now that it was not a reformation but a revolt which ended in a deformation of one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church.

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(PICTURE: Statue of Martin Luther in front of 14th century Catholic Church taken over by the Protestants.)

Jesus prayed that we would all be perfected in unity (St. John 17) that the world might know that the Father sent the Son. This unity had to be VISIBLE or the world would not be able to see it. Martin Luther instigated and was the cause of a major schism that smashed the unity of the Church.

Now the world looks at us Christians and sees all the divisions and says, “You say you have the truth? Why don’t you get your own house in order since you can’t agree among yourselves. When you do that, come back and tell us you have the truth and maybe will listen.”

Mahatma Gandhi he said that if all Christians were united India would fall at the feet of Jesus Christ in 24 hours.

We are here in Germany to study this schism in the church, what brought it about, what we should think about it and what we can do about it.

Below is our first day video of our arrival and HERE is the first excellent homily that was given by Fr. Steve Thomlison who himself is a convert from Lutheranism.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Heather Johnsen

    Greetings to All the travelers!
    Hi Steve, Fr. Mark & Greg V
    Glad you had a safe flight and were all smiles upon arrival. Enjoy the tour.
    The Johnsens of Sutherland
    P.S. Harmon placed 9th at cross country meet in Imperial today (Thursday) 😉

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