Around the Sea All Day: Mass at Kursi, 2nd Multiplication, Bethsaida, Wine-tasting, St. Peter Fish, Chorazin and Primacy

Lots accomplished today around the Sea of Galilee. I loved giving my talks at all these sites that we visit so infrequently. Mass at Kursi where the demons were cast into the pigs (homily here), Bethsaida the home of Peter, Andrew and Philip and where Jesus healed the blind man.

A tour and wine tasting at Golan Heights Winery, lunch at Magdelena, Chorazin (Korazim) which Jesus curse because the city did not believe and obey. I gave my talk there about “Believe on the Lord Jesus…” and discussed the Chair of Moses found there (Steve’s talk here).

We had to stop at the Primacy of Peter so Janet could see how high the water is after all the rains. Back to the hotel for free time, watching the huge waves, confession, rest, dinner…
