Question 1

Do you understand why this is a picture of Mary? (Hint: Catechism paragraph no. 724.)

Question 2

Is Moses kneeling to worship the bush?

Question 3

Why is the picture to the left a “statue of Mary” (Hint: Heb 9:4)?

Question 4

What is in the womb of Mary? (Hint: Jn. 6:48-50; Jn. 1:1, 14) See also Catechism 2676 where it talks about the Ark of the Covenant. For my article on this visit Responding to a Protestant’s Objection to Mary Ark of the New Covenant

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Oscar Martinez

    He was kneeling in the presence of God. The Holy Spirit took the form of a burning bush that would not be consumed in order to speak to Moses.

  2. Leo

    Moses did not kneel in order to worship the burning bush, but to worship God. It’s like kneeling down in front of a statue of a Saint. Apart from our being part of one body in Christ, we would not have any business with the Saint, but we kneel to “praise God in his Saint’s” as the Psalmist urges. Some people would rather do that with a living person and not see it as same, but we prefer to honour in this way those who have finished the course!

  3. Steve Michel

    Dear Mr. Ray,
    I’m completely with you on Mary as the ark of the covenant, the new Eve, mother of God. Especially through the use of biblical typology. I mean it’s crystal clear. I’m having trouble understanding your point about the burning bush. Can you elaborate? I’d really like to learn. Thank you and God bless.
    STEVE RAY HERE: The Carechism says, “724 In Mary, the Holy Spirit manifests the Son of the Father, now become the Son of the Virgin. She is the burning bush of the definitive theophany. Filled with the Holy Spirit she makes the Word visible in the humility of his flesh. It is to the poor and the first representatives of the gentiles that she makes him known.”
    God dwelled in the Burning Bush for that moment and the bush was not consumed and the word of God came out of the Burning Bush. In the same way God dwelled inside of Mary for a time and she was not consumed and the word of God came forth from Mary. Jesus is the word of God. God revealed himself by his word coming forth from the bush. God gave us the ultimate Revelation by his word coming forth from Mary. Hope that helps 🙂

  4. Steve Michel

    That’s pretty cool. Thanks for that.

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