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Again hot and humid – glad I know where a the water drinking fountains around the city. Had to drink a lot. I headed first to St. Peter’s Square since from there you can head off in many fun directions. On my way then to Piazza Navona I visited some newly discovered churches. Discovering new churches is not hard in Rome — it has over 800 churches!

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The famous and lively Piazza Navona is always fun. I hope my little videos give you a sense of being there. I watched the artists and actor and all the tourists basking in the sun, drinking Italian beer and eating gelato. Amazing coincidence to see my good friend and the guide we use with our groups — Liz Lev. She was guiding a group two hours before Janet and I were going to her apartment for dinner. What fun.

I video-taped mini movie documentaries at Navona and also inside San Agostino (Augustine). This is one of our favorite churches with amazing art, a very meaningful statue for our family and the bodily remains of St. Augustine’s mother St. Monica.

Other sites I photographed and video-d was the Tiber River, St. Agnes in Agony, and other places. Enjoy the interactive map, pictures and videos.
