Annual Lenten Foot-fight: Women's Feet Washed on Holy Thursday

The Annual Lenten Foot-fight

by Dr. Edward Peters

“The annual Lenten foot-fight is almost upon us. Again.

“May I suggest that discussion of this matter begin with what canon and liturgical law actually say (and don’t say) about the Mandatum rite, and that serious attention be given, if not this year then next, to eliminating this ill-conceived and merely optional rite from parish liturgies altogether and instead making it a powerful part of the bishop’s Chrism Mass?”

What do you think? News writes about Pope Francis’ plans for Holy Thursday. Do you think he will wash the feet of male and female?

“The Holy Father will celebrate the Mass in the chapel of the Casal del Marmo Penitential Institute for Minors (IPM)…

“Of the 10 girls and 40 boys expected to the attend, the Holy Father will wash the feet of 12, who will be chosen from different nationalities and diverse religious confessions. The youth will will also participate in the mass by proclaiming the readings and the prayer of the faithful.”
