Check out this remarkable itinerary to TRULY BIBLICAL sites. We will visit places where St. Paul lived and taught. We will visit the Island of Patmos where St. John wrote the book of Revelation!

Click on the images for a larger picture!

We will spend a day in the exotic city of Istanbul — ancient Constantinople — where early Church Councils took place, capital of the Byzantine Empire.

Celebrate Mass at the House of Mary in Ephesus. See Steve’s favorite sacred sites in the Eternal City of Rome.

See the Pope as he prays the Angelus on Sunday and blesses us in St. Peter’s Square!

Steve Ray will be your teacher and guide. He will give talks along the way as well as at all the sites.

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The ship is beautiful and elegant and the costs are very reasonable — including airfare, tips, meals, etc.

Daily private Mass, personal headsets for better listening to teaching, great meals and local foods, daily videos uploaded to YouTube so your family and friends can join you every day on a Virtual Pilgrimage — as well as a 90-minute professional DVD of your trip!

For more information, write to me at or stay tuned to my website. We will have a brochure and pricing on this site in less than a week. Hope you can join us!


This Post Has One Comment

  1. cheryl obos

    Hi Steve, enjoyed speaking with you! My husband Bob and I will be on this cruise coming up next November. Am so excited to go! Thank you for all the information on this! Cheryl Obos in Reno

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