Part I
Today we had a thrilling and very busy day. We started with a tour of the first Marian church which is huge! We visited and explored St. Mary Major with the wood from the manger where Jesus was laid.
Then to Mass at one of the oldest churches — St. Praxedes, a young woman who buried the martyrs of the second century. Her father knew the apostles. She mopped up the blood of martyrs and keep it as a precious relic.
Then we saw the great relics of Jerusalem brought to Rome by St. Helena. They are housed in the Church of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem. We find there the finger of Thomas, thorns from Jesus’ crown, a nail from the cross, the title sign above the cross in three languages, and more.
A fun lunch in Piazza Navona and then a walking tour to include the Pantheon, St. Maria in Sopra Minerva, Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Agostino (St. Augustine with the relics of his mother Monica and a painting of Caravaggio), then St. Agnes in Piazza Navona.
We then went back out to the area of the catacombs for another meal at the EXCELLENT Cecilia Metalla Ristarante. Now all are in bed.
This day will be in two videos — one posted now and one in the morning.

Part II
