Amer (from Nazareth) and Me (Steve in US) Discuss the Holy Land today with Teresa Tomeo

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Amer Shehadeh (BesTour) and I (Steve Ray) discussed the current situation in Israel with the Wuhan coronavirus shutdown. Amer explains the situation of Christians under the current isolation mandate and the condition of the holy sites.

(Picture: In Tiberias with David our driver, me and Janet with Amer Shehadeh.)

We discussed the shutdown of the Holy Sepulchre (video here) for the first time since the 1300’s.

Steve updates the situation with pilgrimages and promoting the new pilgrimage in July-August to make an alternative to those pilgrims who’ve had pilgrimages shut down due to the closures.

You can listen to our show here

Our segment begins at 18:24 minutes. You can also click on the audio below.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Fr Robert Kincl

    Dear Amer and Steve,

    I hope, when Covid is over to join a pilgrimage with you. I would have with me perhaps 10 pilgrims. If you would be so kind, would you keep me appraised as to the date when the pilgrimages begin again.
    My e-mail address: My phone: 1 512 423 8260
    My home address:105 Turvey Cove
    Hutto TX 78634 USA

    The next pilgrimage that I make will be my 27th Pilgrimage. I began bringing groups to the Holy Land while on Active Duty many years ago. I would like to make one more pilgrimage in the Spring, Winter or Fall. My first pilgrimage to the Holy Land was for teachers who needed to travel in the summer. Being a native Texan, I am not a fan of summer. God bless you all. Fr. Bob Kincl
    I have found that trying to be a faithful priest, Satan is ever more violent against us. But leaning on Jesus protects us.

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