It rained, but that didn’t dampen any spirits today! One couple said, “If we had to go home today it wouldn’t matter. The first two days have been worth it all!”
We started with a reverent Mass at the Church of St. Clare right above the tomb with her incorrupt body visible through the glass. Fr. Courtney was brilliant and insightful and said he was like a kid, so excited to be celebrating Mass at Clare’s tomb.
After a tour of the church was walked through the town of Assisi toward the Church of St. Francis. We stopped along the way to visit the birthplace and the family home of St. Francis. We saw the place where his father chained him up when he thought he had lost his mind because he was giving away his possession to follow Christ.
We arrived at the magnificent Church of St. Francis and Liz Lev was waiting for us to tour the church. She is an art historian and knowledgeable about all things Catholic, Italian and artistic. What a joy listening (and watch) as she explains everything in such an animated, passionate, orthodox and entertaining way. Everyone loves Liz.
After the tour everyone scattered to find a ristaurante then to shop, pray, explore or nap. It was a great day for everyone to spend the whole afternoon on their own to explore and enjoy the town of Assisi. I ran 7.2 miles to visit all the churches and marvelous sites on foot. I was soaked when done, but overjoyed to run through Assisi.
After dinner people scattered again, some to walk, some to share a drink and others to sleep. Fr. Courtney and a group went out for gelato. tomorrow we head for Loreto, Lanciano, and ending up at Padre Pio’s tomb in San Giovanni Rodundo.
