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Today we started out with supporting the local Christians in Bethlehem by buying olivewood and other religious items from their store. By doing so we helped over 65 Christian families.

Then we went to Shepherds Field where we had Mass in the Cave of the Shepherds. Enjoy another great Fr. Courtney homily here.
A nice Shwarma sandwich lunch at a simple Christian family restaurant and then on to the Church of Nativity where there were a lot of people. We did get our way down to touch the birthplace of Christ and to pray the Rosary at the Church of Saint Catherine in Bethlehem.

We then visited the Carmelite Monastery and went to a wonderful dinner with a whole lamb and a mountain of Palestinian rice with wine and good desserts. We then drove back through the checkpoint out of the Palestinian West Bank into Jerusalem.

Everyone had a great day and we are looking forward tomorrow to visiting the Mount of Olives and Mount Zion.
