One-day reprieve for Terri Schiavo, danger still looms

For the latest as of Wednesday evening 2/23/05, visit Catholic World News

Clearwater, Florida, Feb. 22 ( – A Florida judge issued an emergency stay on Tuesday that prevented the husband of handicapped woman Terri Schiavo from removing her food-and-water tube to begin the slow process of starving and dehydrating her to death.

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A previous court order had been set to expire on Tuesday afternoon and the state 2nd District Court of Appeal had refused a motion by Terri’s parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, to remove Terri’s husband, Michael, as her legal guardian. But Judge George Greer, who has overseen the case for years issued an emergency stay, blocking removal of the feeding tube until 5 pm EST on Wednesday, after a scheduled hearing in his courtroom.

The Schindlers have fought for years to prevent Michael from removing their daughter from ordinary nutritional and hydration care. They maintain that their daughter shows signs of recognition when they enter her room and that she responds to people around her. Michael has maintained that Terri never would have wanted to live in her current state. Critics have pointed out that Michael is living with another woman with whom he has fathered children and that he has fought for years to have his wife put to death.

In October 2003, the feeding tube was removed for six days before Florida Gov. Jeb Bush signed a law quickly pushed through the legislature that gave him the authority to order her tube re-inserted. The state Supreme Court ruled the law was unconstitutional. The feeding tube was also removed for two days in 2001 before a court order had it put back.

What can you do? Pass this along to others, then . . .

. . .  ENCOURAGE Governor Bush to do everything he can to rescue Terri. Since time is of the essence, we recommend that you send him an e-mail by clicking this link: or, if you prefer, you can call his office at the Florida State Capitol at (850) 488-4441.
