The “Hail Mary” of a Protestant is powerful!—( A True Story)

A little six-year-old Protestant boy had often heard his Catholic companion reciting the prayer ‘Hail Mary.’ He liked it so much that he copied it, memorized it and would recite it every day. ‘Look, Mummy, what a beautiful prayer,’ he said to his mother one day. ‘Never again say it,’ answered the mother.’ it is a superstitious prayer of Catholics who adore idols and think Mary a goddess. After all, she is a woman like any other. Come on, take this Bible and read it. It contains everything that we are bound to do and have to do.’

From that day on the little boy discontinued his daily ‘Hail Mary’ and gave himself more time to reading the Bible instead. One day, while reading the Gospel, he came across the passage about the Annunciation of the Angel to Our Lady. Full of joy, the little boy ran to his mother and said: ‘Mummy, I have found the ‘Hail Mary’ in the Bible which says: ‘Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou amongst women. ‘ Why do you call it a superstitious prayer?’

On another occasion he found that beautiful Salutation of St. Elizabeth to The Virgin Mary and the wonderful canticle. MAGNIFICAT in which Mary foretold that ‘the generations would call her blessed.’ He said no more about it to his mother but started to recite the ‘Hail Mary’ every day as before. He felt pleasure in addressing those charming words to the Mother of Jesus, our Savior.

When he was fourteen, he one day heard a discussion on Our Lady among the members of his family. Every one said that Mary was a common woman like any other woman. The boy, after listening to their erroneous reasoning, could not bear it any longer, and full of indignation, he interrupted them, saying: ‘Mary is not like any other children of Adam, stained with sin. No! The Angel called her FULL OF GRACE AND BLESSED AMONGST WOMEN. Mary is the Mother of Jesus Christ and consequently Mother of God. There is no higher dignity to which a creature can be raised.

The Gospel says that the generations will proclaim her blessed and you are trying to despise her and look down on her. Your spirit is not the Spirit Of the Gospel or of the Bible which you proclaim to be the foundation of the Christian religion.’ So deep was the impression which the boy’s talk had made that his mother many times cried out sorrowfully: ‘Oh my God! I fear that this son of mine will one day join the Catholic religion, the religion of Popes!’ And indeed, not very long afterwards, having made a serious study of both Protestantism and Catholicism, the boy found the latter to be the only true religion and embraced it and became one of its most ardent apostles.

Some time after his conversion, he met his married sister who rebuked his and said indignantly: ‘You little know how much I love my children. Should any one of them desire to become a Catholic, I would sooner pierce his heart with a dagger than allow him to embrace the religion of the Popes!’ Her anger and temper were as furious as those of St. Paul before his conversion. However, she would change her ways, just as St. Paul did on his way to Damascus.

It so happened that one of her sons fell dangerously ill and the doctors gave up hope of recovery. Her brother then approached, her and spoke to her affectionately, saying: ‘My dear sister, you naturally wish to have your child cured. Very well, then, do what I ask you to do. Follow me, let us pray one ‘Hail Mary’ and promise God that, if your son recovers his health, you would seriously study the Catholic doctrine, and should you come to the conclusion that Catholicism is the only true religion, you would embrace it no matter what the sacrifices may be.’

His sister was somewhat reluctant at the beginning but as she wished for her son’s recovery. She accepted her brother’s proposal and recited the ‘Hail Mary’ together with him. The next day her son was completely cured! The mother fulfilled her promise and she studied the Catholic doctrine. After long preparation she received Baptism together with her family, thanking her brother for being an apostle to her.

*The story was related during a sermon given by the Rev. Father Tuckwell. ‘Brethren, he went on and said, ‘The boy who became a Catholic and converted his sister to Catholicism dedicated his whole life to the service of God.  He is the priest who is speaking to you now!

What I am I owe to Our Lady. You, too, my dear brethren, be entirely dedicated also to Our Lady and never let a day pass without saying the beautiful prayer, ‘Hail Mary’, and your Rosary. Ask her to enlighten the minds of Protestants who are separated from the true Church of Christ founded on the Rock (Peter) and ‘against whom the gates of hell shall never prevail.’


This Post Has 76 Comments

  1. Russell Morrissey III

    Wonderful & moving story! It should be given maximum exposure.

  2. georgia hedrick

    Let me tell you all a story. It is true. It happened to me. I was 9 years old. (Now I am 72 years old but I have never forgotten it.) My brother and I were ‘digging tunnels’ in an open field on the Southside of Chicago nearby where we live. It was after school and it was in the evening time. My brother and I had developed all sorts of sounds we would make if either of us were in danger, although why, I do not know. AS we were digging, a young man came up to us. He was older than a teenager but younger than a grown man and his voice was curiously high-pitched, or so it sounded to me.
    He knelt down, opened up his pants, and then began to do things I had never seen anyone do before with parts of his own body. He called me to him and I did not move. I was frozen in place. He came to me and said, ‘you must do what I say or I will use the knife in my pocket on you!’ He put his hand over my mouth at that point in time. I was absolutely frozen stiff. All I thought of was: ‘Say the Hail Mary. Sister Nila (my 3rd grade teacher of those days) had taught me that Mary will protect me if I say the Hail Mary. I could remember and say the first half in my head. But, then, I could not remember the second part that started with ‘Holy Mary, Mother of God”….”I’ve got to remember I said to myself or I will be stabbed by this man!” Over and over I said to myself, Holy Mary, Mother of God, Holy Mary Mother of God…” and then I remembered the rest! I said it: ‘pray for is sinners now and at the hour of our death, Amen’! With those words, I ‘unfroze’ and broke free and ran and ran, calling to my brother with hoots and hollars! It seemed forever, but he came running and we both ran across the field to the street where at that same moment my father was driving our Grocery Delivery Truck home to our Store. We yelled and yelled that someone had tried to ‘kidnap’ us. (We didn’t know what else to call this event.) At last we were safe!
    I have never, ever forgotten the HAIL MARY and its power in my life. Everytime a child is missing and not found, or found dead, I think of my powerful HAIL MARY and how I was saved. gh

  3. MG

    Thank you Mr Ray for that powerful witness. Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us (me) now and at the hour of our (my) death.

  4. chris deleon

    i am finished with my feelings of guilt of honoring, loving and praying to our Father thru our BELOVED MOTHER OF GOD and ours.God has brought me to this conclusion after bombarding me with beautiful
    true stories like these.
    thank You JESUS,thank You JESUS,thank You JESUS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  5. Fr. Basil

    Please remember that members of the Orthodox and Non-Chalcedonian Churches are deeply devoted to the most holy Theotokos, too.
    Here is the Orthodox form of the Angelic Salutation:
    Hail (or Rejoice) Mary, Virgin Theotokos full of Grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, for you have borne Christ, the Savior and Deliverer of our souls.
    In Churches of the Syriac tradition, the Salutation begins, “Peace to you……”. Doubtless the Angel said, “Shalom, Mariam”
    St. Seraphim of Sarov said we have only two prayers delivered to us from heaven: The Lord’s Prayer and Angelic Salutation.

  6. Fred

    Good thing that the New American bible didn’t fall into his hands. He would have found that Mary was only “… most highly favored….” and not “graticia plena” – full of grace.
    How impoverished have our bishops have left our modern Church.

  7. @acatholicprayer

    Wow… what a powerful story of conversion. And Georgia, THANK YOU for sharing your powerful story of Mary’s protection in your life. May Mother Mary protect you always, and all the little children.
    Mother Mary, pray for us all, and for our families and our country.

  8. Ray Huppert

    As a Catholic convert of over 40 years I must admit that I adore our Virgin Mary as much as the Father Almighty, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
    Some years ago I was given the Miraculous Medal of Mary which was blessed by the parish priest.
    I drive a lot as there is hardly any public transport available where I live. Would you believe that ever since wearing this medal I have never had a car accident! Many times I avoided collisions by a very narrow margin and in the majority of cases I was amazed how this happened as my reflexes were certainly not up to this. I wear this Miraculous Medal always and never take it off, only when for health reasons I have to have an x-ray. And of course I say the Hail Mary morning and night. Pax.

  9. Bill912

    \…I adore our Virgn Mary as much as the Father Almighty, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.\
    Then you are sorely in need of instruction in the Catholic faith. A good start would be a trip to the confessional, confessing the sin of idolatry.
    STEVE RAY HERE: I wouldn’t be too hard on our friend. I often say I adore my wife and certainly know the difference between love and adoration. I think what was being said was simply an “I love Mary!” My guess is his words have to be seen as words of love, not necessarily theological. I say to my wife, “You are the most beautiful woman in the world and I adore you” (and I mean it), but those are the words of love, not of “theological” or rational truth. In my eyes she is. To his eyes he loves Mary and expresses it with words of love.
    However you are right. We are to worship and adore God alone. All others can be loved, venerated, honored, etc. But strictly speaking adoration and worship are for God alone. I think if you put it that way to our friend he would agree wholeheartedly.

  10. Charles

    Check it out….

  11. sahlee a. reyes

    I dearly love our mother Mary with all my heart. I remember some 30 yrs ago as i was forever consulting an ob-gyne for the 6 yrs i was barren & underwent every test & medication possible for me to get pregnant. After 6 yrs, i finally gave up. One day, i read from the papers that the image of our Lady of Fatima was coming over the Philippines in line with Her world tour. I went to attend mass amidst the throng of millions who attended at the Quirino grandstand on April 12, 1984. Mama Mary’s image was so far away it seemed like only 1/4 of an inch, but i prayed to Her image anyway. I prayed with all my heart..”Mama Mary, please gift me with a child on my coming birthday June 19. I really want to have a son”. One week after, blisters formed on my upper right arm & i thought i was sick with something. So, i was rushed to the hospital & ultrasound was administered. I was made to return a week after. The lady doctor told me that five ob-gynecologists studied the result of the ultrasound & were one in saying that myoma has enveloped my uterus. I was scheduled for operation in 2 weeks time. By the time i came back i was rescheduled for the next day as there was an emergency operation that day. I thought of using my time to pray the whole afternoon in the lonely room i occupied. I prayed the holy rosary non-stop until my doctor came to visit me at 9pm. She touched my lower abdomen & i saw a surprised expression on her face & told the nurse to give me a gravendex test early morning as i was due for operation on the pm of that next day. To make the story short, i found myself next day on the recovery room & the nurse friend told me to “claim it”. I didn’t understand what she said. Later on, as i was wheeled to my own room, i was told by my nurse friend that she was one among those who assisted inside the operating room. I was then administered the general anaesthesia & fully asleep. The lady doctor was about to make an incision to my lower abdomen when some Force made her hands so hard she had to put back the cutting instrument. She proceeded again but the same thing happened (nobody in the operating room said or did anything to prevent her, as my nurse friend told me). It happened the third time, & the doctor remembered about the gravendex test. Lo & behold ! I was 3 months pregnant ! So, if you would count the time i prayed to mama Mary at the Quirino grandstand, she could have given me my gift that time i prayed to her on April 12. And the blisters on my right arm may have been manifestations of my progressing pregnancy or maybe…it could have been myoma initially but becoz i prayed the holy rosary non-stop at the hospital, Mama Mary touched me. I love you, mama Mary & thank you so much for giving me a healthy & loving son.

  12. connie dsouza

    When we pray the Hail Mary, The Blessed Virgin Mary intercedes on our behalf to Abba Father. It is very important to say three Hail Mary whenever in need.

  13. Jhen

    Very inspiring story… I remember my mother told me a story about what happened to me when I was a baby.. I was sick then and had 50/50 chance of living, the doctor made my father to sign a contract that whatever happened to me they did their best and they should not be to blame… with a little hope my mother pray to our Lady of Perpetual Help, it’s really a miracle that I am still alive until today. Thank you to our Mother Mary who really ready to help us with her powerful intercession. :))

  14. Antony jesu

    very good news, i accept it that hail Mary is the powerful prayer.because praise Jesus & Mary in at a time
    so when we start saying hail Mary will happen many good thinks ,trust Mary she is not a any other
    women but powerful mother of Jesus,recite rosary ,recite rosary, recite rosary sins never approach us
    good news hail Mary saying

  15. john

    I had my tubes tied when I was young after giving birth to 2 kids. I did not want to have any more kids and not married. Finally got married and now I can not conceive. My prayer is to get pregnant and have a healthy child for my husband. This is what my marriage and life is missing. My husband and I want to have a baby. Please pray for Mr. and Mrs. John Robert

  16. Henry

    Yes, this is true that our Mother Mary really help us when we recite the rosary, it was our first baby during the laboring of my wife in hospital the doctor said my wife doen’t know how to labor and she needs a ceasarean operation and she made me buy the necessary medecine for the operation. Right away i secure the medecine but at the same time praying to Mama Mary asking for help that my wife won’t be operated. Since i forgot to recall back about what is the mystery of that day then i ask my mother-in-law and she answered me. I keep on praying while waiting what will happen. Just a few minutes the doctor called another doctor to help and assist my wife. At this moment, i am very thankful to our Mother Mary that my wife had to be used a “low-porcept method” of pulling out the baby. Imagine out of 21 who labored on that day there are three of them left in bed and one of that 3 womens is my wife.
    Now i could say there is nothing impossible with prayer esp. the rosary the complete mysteries of the life of Jesus. I had a healthy baby girl and she is grown up now. Intercessory prayer from the saint like Mary is very much important when our times get rough!


    What a buetiful story. So dear brothers and sisters we should always put trust whenever we are pvraying to the Blessed Virgin Mary. She always with us though we cant see her. O Mary who was conceived without origin sin, pray for us who have recourse to you. I love Mother Mary and i pray that one day i make it from Uganda to Medjugorje to be among the many witnesses.

  18. Glen Carroll

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I too have a testimony to share about our blessed Mother.
    Once I was staying in a lower basement room for rent in a small house. The owner never told me that there is any problem with the house. But I was shaken one day when it started to rain. There was water flooding all over the place and it started to enter my house too. When I enquired what really happened that the water took so much of advantage, the neighborhood told me that the dam was opened in a nearby lake and the water gushed into outskirts of the city. I didn’t know what to do as I tried to elevate all the things to the higher shelf, I could do nothing more.
    But one thought came to my mind, one of my friends told me once that his grandma used to pray the rosary whenever there were floods in her house, this thought stroke me, all I had was a small place to knell, I went on my knees and took hold of the Rosary and started praying. As I kept praying mystery upon mystery and continued to say Hail Mary! Repetitively, I witnessed the waters went down. By the time I said all the 15 mysteries the water was down completely.
    I thanked the Miracle Mama Mary did for me, from then on I used it all my life, it really helps me in troublesome situations.
    Thanks for reading this testimony of mine.
    Thank you Mama Mary! I will love you forever! All the miracles you do for me are still unseen, but I believe that you are there for us!

  19. Alavae junior

    Dear brothers and sisters i must admit that i believe all of your wonderful stories ,it also happen to that when ever i prayed to the HAIL MARY i always see with my own eyes evrithing i ask happens ,so please never forget to say the hail mary prayer.god bless.

  20. David Matthew

    Dear All,
    Pray to our dearest Mother for my wife as she is losing faith because of problems in finance and family.She at times does not go to mass.

  21. Lucy Rodrigues

    I am really thankful to our dear MOTHER MARY. Whenever I prayed HAIL MARY miracles took place in my life. I had gone through so many tragedies in my life. But MOTHER MARY is always by my side. HAIL MARY is a powerful prayer.

  22. Maria Dias

    I thank Mother ary for all that She has done in my life and is still doing. I thank Mother Mary from the bottom of my heart.

  23. Janice

    Thank you Dr Gboco for helping me to get my lovely partner back in my life. I am so blessed that you used a non forceful way of uniting and reuniting us. Our past, presence and future seems to have all merged into one, You told me that everyone has a compatible soul mate whether in their life or waiting to come into their lives. I am glad its my partner of old. I did not want to really go and be with someone else.. You have removed the extra baggage that has been affecting us and holding us back. Peace to you

  24. Shylu

    What a beautiful Story i really thank my mother mary for all are blessing i lover her alot…. thanks u so much for all your miracles ….. Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us (me) now and at the hour of our (my) death.

  25. Maria Rosario

    Can anybody give me the full name of this Rev. Father Tuckwell? I googled him and nothing came up. I am a devout Catholic and I love Mama Mary. She is my patron, I was born on her feast day, was named after her (Maria Rosario) and she has looked after me all my life in very amazing ways! But I want to be able to prove that Rev. Father Tuckwel is a real person and not someone non-believers can say we Catholics made up to criticize protestants. That when I share this story, nobody can come back to me and say that its a hoax on

  26. Theresa I

    Please pray that Mother Mary asks her son, Jesus, to lift my severe phobia
    about flying. It causes me so much distress and unhappiness. Thank you.

  27. Anayo Linus

    The rosary is powerful pray !

  28. Ricardo Leonardo

    To Theresa I, good day to you. I happened to read your comment. I am a Catholic and follower of M other Mary, her son Jesus and the powerful Holy Rosary. I wish and pray always you be free from your suffering.
    Any kind of phobia is aggravated in our mind set and most of the time our mind has little energy to control the fear. You are a very normal person. We even able to help three year old special child back to a balance and normal child about three months ago and many others and now they are happy and free from distresses. They all used the physical help of Laminine, the miraculous, nutraceutical and mind energy food capsule with our prayer of HOLY ROSARY.
    Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to help you…GODBLELSS BESTHEALTH

  29. E Chen

    Like most Filipinos, I refer to the Blessed Virgin as Mama Mary because Jesus gave Her to us as our mother during His Passion on the cross. I was taught the Hail Mary prayer from a very young age and have said this prayer many times since. To be honest, reciting this prayer sometimes feels like routine because it has been so ingrained that a day without saying it doesn’t feel complete. BUT during times that I needed help and have petitioned Mama Mary to intercede to the Father and our Lord Jesus, She has never failed me. What I’d like to share though is my experience with this prayer when I invoked Mama Mary’s help on behalf of a mom who was on TV news one evening appealing for the return of her son who was kidnapped. I felt the unknown mom’s pain as if it were my own that I begged Mama Mary to help her. I appealed to Her motherly heart as I was taught to do. Believe it or not, the son was reunited with his mom the next day and from the news it would appear that the boy was dropped off at a random doctor’s clinic. The boy was fine but no further explanation was provided as to who took the boy there and why. As far as I’m concerned, the boy and his mom were re-united because of all the prayers offered by their family and friends, as well as my Hail Marys. i am convinced that a Hail Mary offered on behalf of a stranger is just as powerful as a prayer for the family or a close friend, if not more so because of the selflessness nature of the act. Please continue with the Hail Marys and I encourage you all to include others who may not be known to you but would benefit from your prayers.

  30. Morris o.

    It happenned to me while i was in Hospital.I had been admited to hospital suffering from Typhoid in advanced stage,I had been in the hospital for almost 1 week without any sort of improvement at all to my heath,My Real mom who gave birth to me, is also called Mary. She used to visit me every day,In the night i was being starngled by some demons,I told my mom about it.My mom is a very stauch catholic who Prays the Rosary every day.
    The next day she brought me a rosary & told me to pray every day,
    Following her instructions of prayers of the rosary the attack from the demons stopped,Some body came with medicine (Herbal medicine) from outside which restored me to health.
    I was discharged a few days after.I really thank Mother Mary My mother & also Mary the mother of God for saving my life.I usually say my Rosary every day,Its a very powerful prayer

  31. Tiffany

    Mine is an interesting tale. Baptised Prostestant, I turned my back on Christianity, God have mercy, and became Pagan for several years. But it was the Mother that brought me back. It was our Queen her persued me, in love, while broken hearted, empty, and alone I wept, dealing with all the pain of my childhood, being abandoned of my family. She said without saying a world “Dear child, it is alright. Look up, for I am your Mother, and I never gave up on you, and I believe in you still!”
    It was Mother Angelica and her blessed EWTN that reached out to me, that sent the Mother to me. and I feel her every second of every day. I am autistic, with an autistic boyfriend who in meltdown can be very violent and I was scared. I get scared easily. My background is of violence, anger, and hatred. And I praid to those I have chosen and reached out to me as patrons. Saint Rita of Cascia, St Christopher, and St. Monica along with our Mother to protect me. To send upon a house a sense of calm and of God.
    There has been no outburst of violence in this house since. It’s been a day, but even a day is a blessing of Holy God. May all the Saints continue to reign down their peace and show me how to speak truth to fellow intellectuals. To get more of Saint Augustine and St. Ambrose’s writings, to which of all your people they seem to respond.
    And pray with me. I wish to start my RCIA classses but I am in fear. Pray for God to remove my fear, to be bold, and lead me to the parish he would have me learn of His holy love.
    Tiffany Lynn

  32. Rosyjames

    Believe in mother mary. she give all things to us through his son. Who is god of all.

  33. Leah

    Throughout my abusive childhood, my mother dragged my siblings and I through every possible religion, Church, alternative spiritual groups/cults and was so thoroughly confused by my teenage years, I firmly believed in “nothing”. When I was around 18 and taking my usual walk after dinner one evening, I forgot to bring my music/headphones that I always listen to. So as I passed a Church, I heard singing, it sounded like nothing I’d heard before, so beautiful, that I felt “moved” by it, (literally!) as I crossed the street, went inside and saw the Church was empty, aside from the choir practicing. As they sang I sat down the in back, and began to feel an overwhelming sensation of just pure love, pure joy, enveloping my body, with a peace like nothing I’d ever experienced. As tears streamed down my cheeks, a Priest sat down next to me, smiled and patted my hand. That Church became my “home” and I discovered the real power of Prayer. Years later my dreams suddenly became “lucid” and strange …..then turned very dark and evil, so much so, that I was terrified to sleep and continued in spite of all my repentance and prayers, until in one dream, I began to recite “Hail Mary” and immediately woke up. The next night I wore my Holy Mother Medallion Necklace to bed and slept peacefully that night and every night. Then a few years ago when I was involved in a highly charged personal court case and during the hearing- at a break, my attorney grimly explained that the odds of the Judge ruling in my favor were about a million to one and I must be prepared. Devastated, I ran to the ladies room sobbing, went into a stall, crouched down and recited Hail Mary over and over, begging her with a gut wrenching plea for her protection, justice, for a mother……as the decision was read, ….in MY favor!!…my attorney looks at me wide eyed and says, “I seriously just cannot believe what just happened here…in all my 25 years of practice and all my cases in front this Judge….I am stunned.” She knew about my prayers in the bathroom but had promptly disregarded them as she was raised an atheist. Then asks: “What religion are you?? I may have to loom into that? What was that Prayer called again??” Oh, I felt SO proud, humbled and GRATEFUL.

  34. Denise

    Dear Mother Mary and families; I believe my daughter to be a miracle, Mary Elizabeth, she has always
    suffered in health and emotions, please pray for her because I do believe like all of you Mother Mary and
    Father God and Jesus are the only ways of relief for us. Pray for my husband Frank who is so in need of
    good health and help in business and finances I will always include all of you in my prayers. We need you all like oxygen as well as our beloved and honored Father God, Mother Mary and our darling Jesus. Love to you through our Holy and Blessed Family always. I do ask for strength. Denise.

  35. Pamela H

    I ok have a similar story as to the woman praying in the bathroom. I prayed fervently to Mary in my repair and by a miracle of Mary and god my daughter was returned to me. So eternally grateful. Mary will intercede on your behalf!!

  36. Mitzi Speranzella

    2009 was a very difficult year for us. That November a Nor’Eastern storm hit the small Island we lived on. When we realized the tide was getting higher and the rain started coming down in sheets, I gathered our 5 children and two dogs into our van and headed to the center of the island to the restaurant where my husband was working. I took the long road going south along the shore of the Chesapeake Bay to avoid the massive pot holes inside the camp ground, west of our property, that we would have otherwise cut through to get to the restaurant. The van swirved on the sandy road and got slammed by wind and rain. I made the right turn to go to the other side of the Bay and then turn another right to go north along the Sound, Just as i made the turn, the van quit working. All electrical was gone, and the floor boards were now absorbing water. We were stuck with the Chesapeake sound just a few feet away. No rocks or walls between us. As my attempts to start the car where futile, my kids got scared, and then suddenly started praying “Hail Mary! Full of Grace…” I confess we hadn’t prayed the rosary together for a long time. After a few minutes, we saw headlights coming toward us! We were so relieved and hopeful that it would come to help us. The rain kept pounding on the van, it was very difficult to see, but pretty soon, the car stopped in front of us. A man got out and came to my window. “Would you like for me to push your van?” I opened the door and said, “yes!” “ok, I”ll push you.” So, I put the van in neutral and he used his little car to push us. Down the road we went. after a mile or so, he stopped the car and came to the van to ask where we wanted to go. I told him to turn onto the next intersection where there is a hill and a church sitting atop the hill. I then asked where he was from. He replied, “I am here, visiting some friends.” He then proceeded to push us up the road to the turn where he then pushed us up to the parking lot of the church. Just as we were arriving, a truck with a lift kit, brings my husband! A local decided to take his truck around to help those stranded at the restaurant. I immediately got out of the van to thank the guy who helped us but nobody was there. I asked my husband if he saw the car that pushed us up the hill. He said there wasn’t anybody behind us! Our kids and I looked at each other with wide eyes and joy that we were helped by an angel! Hail Mary! Full of Grace! The Lord is with you! Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus! We were all together. We walked a couple of blocks to the house of a friend from our Church. We waited out the storm and came back to our van the next morning. It started up with no problem! That storm left us transient, staying in hotels, and going to mass every day. Then on the Feast Day of The Immaculate Conception, through our kids school, we received word of a place to stay, a 4 bedroom townhouse in town. The owners had just moved to a new home and where going to fix the townhouse in the spring for a vacation rental. We had a place for the winter, free of rent!

  37. Jim

    Thank you for that story of inspiration. Pray for me because I’m going through a very hard time and my ex wife has turned my daughter against me. She lied to the court and got an order of protection to keep me away from my daughter. I know that people are going to believe that there is something wrong with me because how else could she get an order of protection? Trust me, I’m a devout Catholic and a Knight of Columbus and it can still happen.

  38. vinn

    I have also had a miracle by praying our Holy Mother.I was supposed to undergo a surgery after being involved in an accident.I took my first xray and the doctor said I needed a surgery.after praying the rosary and asking for divine intervention I got healed.three days later after the first xray I took a second xray and my doctor was horrified and confused upon seeing the second xray and compared to the first xray and said Ishould go home and thank God and that there has been a need for a surgery.All we need is faith when we pray…

  39. Nyaradzo Shiela Makorie

    I love the Rosary and so happy to hear the miracles our Holy Blessed Mother Mary gives through praying the Rosary. I am currently praying for my 2 Sons to be given God-given wives who fear the Lord and also Catholics. Please help me also to pray for me for financial breakthrough for my daughter’s School Fees and my Late Sister’s son University fees who has been in my custody since 3 years. Thank you Blessed Mother Mary, I know you intercede for me and have my request answered.

  40. Shiela

    I love the Rosary and so happy to hear the miracles our Holy Blessed Mother Mary gives through praying the Rosary. I am currently praying for my 2 Sons to be given God-given wives who fear the Lord and also Catholics. Please help me also to pray for me for financial breakthrough for my daughter’s School Fees and my Late Sister’s son University fees who has been in my custody since 3 years. Thank you Blessed Mother Mary, I know you intercede for me and have my request answered.

  41. A

    I wish to thank the Virgin Mary for answering my prayer for a job. She has brought me peace and has helped me feel lighter than I have in so very long. Below is a prayer I have prayed to her and each time I have seen miracles happen for me. I pray that it gives you peace and answers to your own prayers.
    Prayer to the Virgin Mary (never known to fail)
    Prayer to the Virgin Mary (never known to fail)
    O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and shoiw me herein you are my mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity (make request).
    There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times).
    Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands (3 times).”
    Say 9 Hail Mary afterwards.
    Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days. You must publish it, and it will be granted to you.

  42. A

    I thank the Holy Mother for making me feel lighter and better.
    Prayer to the Virgin Mary (never known to fail)
    Prayer to the Virgin Mary (never known to fail)
    O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and shoiw me herein you are my mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity (make request).
    There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times).
    Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands (3 times).”
    Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days. You must publish it, and it will be granted to you.

  43. morris

    I was sick one time in hospital.I had very bad horrific dreams of satan strangling me so much that I could not breath.I told my mum & the next day she brought me a rosay which I recited & wore around my neck,
    Believe me the demons stopped strangling me during the night,After 1 week I got cured & left the hospital,
    Thank you blessed mother Mary

  44. Nazareth

    I love to read all the happy miracle come from our Mother Mary and will love to say thank you to .all of you.,I do pray always to our lovely Mother and will never stoped.Please help me to learn how to say 3 times the Holy Mary please.Thank you so much and God bless you!!!!/[

  45. Ran

    I have got many blessings when I recited daily rosary. Hail Mary is such a powerful prayer. When i prayed for one blessing, shower of blessings has been granted to me. Sorrows did not touch me even in the midst of sufferings. Really enjoyed having a joyous heart even when troubles and pain surrounded me….thank you Lord..Thank you Mother Mary…

  46. Dolly

    Dear Mother Mary, please have mercy on your daughter. I’m in pain, and
    only you can remove it. As only a Mother can understand a child’s pain. Please help me Mother, I’m on my knees, have tears in my eyes and am literally begging you from the bottom of my heart to please please fulfill my wishes. I love my friend with my whole heart and soul, and have lots of feelings for him, which I want him to have the same for me, infact more than me. I want him to only love me, not any other girl, and propose me for marriage, this year, as I want to have his children before I get my menopause, as I’m in my fortees. Mother, only you know deep inside my heart how much I love him truly and faithfully. I want his love for me to flow effortlessly as the ocean flows to the shore 24/7. Please Mother make him have lots of feelings and love in his heart for me and please bring him to me. I’m lost without him.
    I’m so restless, and can’t live without him Mother. I only want him to be my beloved husband(my better half). Please Mother, do a miracle and please make this happen, only you can make things possible from impossible. Every Mother wants to see her daughter settle in life. Mother, I don’t have anyone besides you, as both my parents passed away. Please Mother listen to my prayers and make this happen. Please help mercy on your child, I also want to be a Mother.
    Please make our life very blissful, fill it with love, joy, patience, and understanding. Bless me and my partner, so that we may never surrender to whatever challenges that comes our way. Fill our hearts with love for each other, and may you make each one of us realize each other’s worth. Please touch the heart of my partner, fill it with much love for me. Mother, only have me in his mind, I want him to always think of me. I want him to live with me, never leave me, till my last breath.
    Make our complicated relationship become uncomplicated. I seek for your mercy and blessings to make us spend the rest of our lives with each other, till my last breath. Please make this feelings for both of us. Always put us in each other’s heart and mind. Thank you for hearing my prayers. I also pray to St Jude-please lift up my prayer request to God-you being the saint of impossible causes, please bless us and make us husband and wife. Please also bless that our business prosper, so that we can expand. I also want us to have own home.
    Mother, please also give him and my family, long, healthy and wealthy life. Please remove all their sickness and disease.
    Mother, I also want him to listen to me, as I want him to give up, smoking, talking tobacco, and alcohol.
    Please also change my friend’s wife, so that she stops cheating her husband and her child, as she’s seeing and communicating with her lover discreetly. Please change her so that she does not have any more feelings, love or interest for her lover, nor she’ll communicate or contact him anymore, infact, she should only love, serve and be truthful and a dutiful mother and wife to her husband and her child, and please make her reside to another country with her family forever.
    Same goes with her lover, he should not have any more feelings, love or interest for her, nor he’ll communicate or call her anymore. Please make his mind totally blank of her.
    Please don’t let the family fall apart, as the child loves her parents immensely and he loves his wife too.
    Please help to solve this Mother.

  47. louis

    pray for my husband

  48. Rupal modi raiyarela

    I have done 9 days novena of mother if forsaken in baroda india n I knw my husbsnd will not giv divorce n return to me n all of u pray for me in jesus name…Mother mary help me..Amen.

  49. royce rodrigues

    this is really true about mother mary . Mother mary is very powerful , need to prayer on daily basis, we can make out lot of changes in our life, specially in difficult moments.
    I had seen mother mary in my dream , holding infant jesus beside mother mary and speaking to me. I could not open my eyes, it was a bright light 10 times powerful than sun rays , like a pure milky white.
    After that i am doing lot of prayers to mother mary.

  50. Cinthiya

    We pray to mother mary every day. pls pray to mother mary for us.
    My Name is Cinthiya lopes,I am from St.Michael parish,Manickpur, Vasai, Mumbai, India
    My father Joseph Lopes, age 66 had gone to Goa (India) on 15th Dec’14 for the exposition of St.Francis and has been missing since 17th Dec’14 from panjim market,Goa,India
    some people claim to have seen him around Mumbai areas. We have been searching, but have still not found him.
    Due to his cancer operation 10 yrs back he has a speech disability. he is unable to speak clearly to people.He does not have a phone either or any other details or money with him by which he can reach home (Vasai).
    Request your prayers so that he can find is way back home to Vasai (Mumbai) or we find some way to reach and find him.
    Cinthiya Lopes

  51. marina

    One morning Jeues came to me befor morning he came just as he look in the passion this was 1991 full of blood show me his crown of thorns hands and feet the he said to me ” I want you to know in the next3 days if I had to do it all over I would do it just for you ” then I woke up it was so surreal . I pounder it for many years I was 29 years old that very same day mt mom went into a coma and pass way . However what did he me in the next 3 days? I was sharing this with a relative he ran and came back and gave me that medal he said no one just see Jesus in a dream and he just talks too you . However I did not concern it a dream . What did he mean by givin me this medal ? And why did Jesus say 3 next three days ? I am know 54 years old and still pounder on it. If anyone may have the answer please share.
    Thank you

  52. Phil Trimby

    Where are citations to show the truth of this story? I love the story; however, I hate to post a “true” story only to find it is just another nice story.

  53. Sheila

    Hello reader,
    I am not a Catholic but the Blessed Virgin has revealed herself to me vaguely at times, sometimes i will close my eyes and see her vividly as she is usually represented in pictures and statutes. What i am about to tell you is a true and actually happened.
    I was dating a guy and planned visiting him with the intention of spending the night at his place, although my biological parents did not approve of it. One evening i was resting on my bed waiting for the usual 7.00pm phone calls from my boyfriend but he did not call. I woke up at 10.00pm ish angry wondering why he had not call; my boyfriend told told me that my mother called him telling him emphatically that she was my mother and warned him that he should not see me anymore and what we were planning to do is not right.
    I was frustrated and upset with my biological mother and almost confronted her as to why she should call my boyfriend to warn him and discourage him. To cut the story short things ended sourly with me and my boyfriend so we ended the relationship after i disobeyed my parents and spent 3 days with him.
    Seven years later I asked my biological mum why she called my ex-boyfriend to warn him, she was surprised at my question and confrontation, she swore to me that she had not called my ex and that was when i knew that it was the blessed Virgin who called my ex, I know you are asking how i got to know it was her, because I asked the blessed Mother to reveal herself to me when my ex was dating me because i was so frustrated and angry at myself. I am a charismatic christian. I am ever grateful that the blessed Virgin saw me as her daughter. Thank you Holy Mother.

  54. Maria

    I have experienced a great MIRACLE in my life by reciting the rosary everyday,I prayed that MOTHER MARY would give me a good hike in my job,she not only gave me a good hike but PROMOTION to higher level as well,THANK YOU MAMA MARY,I recommend the POWERFUL ROSARY to all those who are seeking MIRACLES, PRAY WITH COMPLETE TRUST IN HER ONLY THEN WE WILL RECEIVE WHAT WE ASK, BELIEVE IT !! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR OUR MOTHER MARY.

  55. Anitha

    Although born as Catholic and said rosary every day I was still in a doubt whether I should pray directly to God or say rosary. I was often thinking why should I go through St. Mary. One night I closed my eyes and I saw heaven in front of me and I have seen heaven, as a white palace and Mother Mary was sitting in her white gown as a Queen..I felt so sorry that I doubted that and understood that Mother Mary is our own mother. We can pray for anything……Glory to Lord..

  56. paschal Eboh

    help me to always recite the rosary everyday . Please pray for me to become a complete devotee to our Mother of perpetual help.

  57. I believe in prayer

    Today I woke up with such anxiety about my financial situation.
    I wanted to be back in college to further my skills, I wanted so desperately to have a job interview for a job I wanted, and in all this turmoil I applied for temporary assistance and thought I was denied.
    I was accepted to school today, I landed the job interview I wanted, and I found out my application was approved after much doubt it wasn’t.
    My aunt had posted a novena to Holy Mary on Facebook and I quietly said it and started my day, trusting Mary and God to take care of us.
    Everything I prayed for was addressed in some way and my heart is so very grateful and humbled that words won’t do it justice. God is GREAT. Our Mother is the best!!!
    God is listening, our Mother is too! I hope this story can help one person say a Hail Mary and bring them closer to her Divine Love.
    Here is the novena
    To my Catholic friends and family. Today will be a great day for those who believe in the power of prayer. When you receive this message, pray a hail Mary and make your special request! Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen!(Do your request) please do not break the novena. Copy and paste within the hour! (It is not to share. Copy and paste on your wall) believe, Mary has passed to the front of the problem and has already made everything right. Amen!
    I hope this helps somebody as it has helped me.

  58. lionel

    Lovely words beautiful story The Mother of God , Mary our mother is all powerful and will help us ALWAYS Just pray to this merciful mother of ours

  59. Tammy

    I am not Catholic yet. I’ve gone through RCIA, and awaiting to be received into the church.
    I’ve grown to love Jesus through Blessed Mother in the pass 3years.
    I can’t tell you how much at ease I am now compare to who I was, and how much grace I have been blessed with.
    Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!
    Lord, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

  60. Tom Govern

    Tammy, you sound like a good Catholic! God’s blessings on you journey.

  61. Jess

    How timely that I should be reading this now, the first day of the 40 Days for Life campaign, and I am on my way to pray the four mysteries of the rosary in front of a Planned Parenthood, in freezing cold temperature. Our Blessed Mother will be there with me and my fellow prayer warriors, the warmth of her love will see us through and her Son will hear our prayers to put an end to abortion.

  62. John C.

    All my life from my youth till present i have had great faith in my being a catholic. The Holy Rosary, the recitation of the Hail Mary at all times good and bad has brought forth desired results no matter what my trials have been. I am the product of a broken home at a very young age and my future was in tatters. No matter what i underwent i continued the recitation of my daily Rosary and the powerfull Hail Mary at all times. Things went from bad to worse but i never gave up. My faith was not as strong as it is at present but events gradually turned for my better as time went on. My trials continued but my life began to be better at every turn. I got a good job, went overseas, built a foundation, travelled a lot, got married at a late age to a blessed partner, and the biggest trial of all was when i was diagnosed with advanced stage 4 lower colon cancer in 2012 the results of which were not all good. Was not given much hope of a cure due to the severity of the cancer but i continued with Hail Marys without loosing hope. Five major surgeries, Chemo / Radio Theraphy, endoscopies, colonoscopies, CT scans, MRI scans, you name it , i have undergone , and here i am fully recovered.
    What more can i wish for in life. The answer is, Nothing more.
    Almighty God the father had compassion on me a sinner through his beloved son ” Jesus “.
    The Blessed Virgin intervened on my behalf through all those Hail Marys. Remember the miracle at Cana of Galillee. The BVM intervened on behalf of the wedding feast to her beloved Son.
    When i look at my life from my birth to present i ask myself the following ??????????
    Have i ever been left homeless —————- No !
    Have i ever been left in hunger ————— No !
    Have i ever been left in thirst —————– No !
    Have i ever been left to beg —————— No !
    Have i ever been left naked and open to my enemies ————– No !
    Have i ever been left in suffering and pain ———————No !
    Have i ever been left without hope ——————No !
    Then my entire life has been a miracle, a miracle difficult to explain.
    ” To those who believe no explanation is needed , to those who don’t believe no explanation is possible. ”
    The ” Hail Mary ” yes ! is the most potent, powerfull weapon a good catholic can wield at any time, so cherish it and wield it carefully. The devil states that every Hail Mary recited with confidence gives him the most painfull headache that words cannot explain.
    ” Hail Mary ! full of grace the lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus .”

  63. jl

    I have been reciting a Novena to the Blessed Mother for a while now – asking her to intercede and restore my sister’s health to her. Publication as promised. Please hear my prayer. JL

  64. simon anthony

    Pray for me couse, i dont habe faith in holy mary jesus Christ,even in devil,.my life is in up sidedown im not working,now my girlfriend left me my family disgrace me.
    So i turn to god i have done lot’s of hail mary,so my life change but it’s getting worst in hidding from human i kept hidding BECAUSE IM AFRAID OF HUMANHELP ME ANYONE HOW CAN I GET MY FAITH BACK HELP Me

  65. Jyothi Nirmala

    Please do pray for my test and exams. After many struggles and suffering with black magic and people who have cursed me to not to get success in my life and career, In between so many problems i am Preparing for this physical test and Exams of Sub-Inspector of Police, Jesus and Mary, Please do give me knowledge, wisdom, Memory power, and intellectual power for completing this exams successfully without any problems. I should clear this exams without any problems. Please do guide me in this exams and protect me from all problems. I prayer and bind me, My exams results, my wishes in the blood of Jesus Christ.Amen Amen Amen. Mother mary help me to complete this exams

  66. Amy

    The angelus is a beautiful prayer and I love saying it to honor our Mother Mary,she hears her childrens prayers.she helps us who are troubled and sorrowful.Always trust her and I promise she will help you!!

  67. Tony

    Our Blessed Mother leads us to Her Son JESUS, Who works Wonders and Miracles in our Lives. JESUS Never refuses HIS Mother – She is the Mother Who stood by The Cross, and She will stand by us and never forsake us, her children. We need to pray with faith unceasingly – I Place my petitions in your hands Oh Loving Mother, Show me herein that you are my mother – Mary Takeover and intercede for me with Jesus Your SON.

  68. Fanboy Dutta

    Pray the rosary everyday and see the miracles happening .

  69. Clare

    Praying the Hail Mary for my children, particularly to my eldest son who is hooked to using gadgets. I pray for Mama Mary's intervention that we may be that gentle, loving parents in disciplining them. Today Mama Mary's statue will be brought to us and may her stay will renew our faith, trust and love for each other as a family. May Mama Mary guide us truly in becoming the best parents for our children and to all the parents through the world. Mama Mary lead us to your son Jesus to lead us too in living, nurturing a Christian family.

  70. M. agustin Magabo

    Oh most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me here you are my mother. Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech Thee from the bottom of my heart to secure me in my necessity. (Make your request)
    There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee. (repeat three times)
    Holy Mary, I place this cause in Your hands. (repeat three times)
    Pray this prayer daily for 3 consecutive days, your prayer will be answered after the third day. In making your request, promise to publish this prayer (share in writing on the internet this prayer or distribute this prayer to others).
    Holy Spirit YOU who make me see everything and showed me the way to reach my ideals, YOU who gave me the Divine gift to forgive all the wrong that was done to me, and YOU who are in all instances in my life, provide me strength, understanding, and guidance, I want to Thank You for everything and confirm with you once more I never want to be separated from You no matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual Glory. Amen. GLORY BE TO THE FATER, AND TO THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, AMEN!

  71. Meena Sinha

    Mother Mary I pray to u for my son & daughter should maintain a very good & healthy relations.Help them to keep really good relations eith each other I will get heavenly peace in my mind.Pray for me Mother Mary.Amen

  72. Consuelo Flores

    Mother Mary, please ask your precious son to heal both my sons who both have upcoming surgeries from Diverticulitis, Iand for my daughter who was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis, I place my children in your hands and ask for complete healing of my whole family and for them to have a close relationship with you our holy mother and our holy father Jesus, Amen

  73. Ifogah paul

    After my first year in college, I was looking for place for my Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme SIWESS. I went to a local nearby food industry to submit my letter but I was turned down. The PM told me there was no vacancy. I was disappointed. I went home, took my rosary and said the five decades. Again, I went to the food company to submit the same letter. To God be the Glory, I was surprised when the PM told me that they have been looking for students trainees. Then I knew our mother Mary has done it. It was a miracle. Hail Mary, full of grace….

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