In fact, it was so wonderful that we have four more pilgrimages planned for 2006 and 2007!

For 300 pictures, click here
For the hour-by-hour rundown with web links, click here.
For a brochure for our next pilgrimage, click here.
Visit our Pilgrimage page, click here.


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Steve & Janet Ray are now certified guides for the Holy Sites in Israel (see blog). We lead and teach pilgrims along with an escort, a local bus driver and a Catholic priest.

Pictures: Steve teaching about Peter & the Papacy on the bus to Caesarea Philippi and a group shot after renewing baptismal vows in the Jordan River..

1)  Our next “Footprints of Mary & Jesus Pilgrimage“ is scheduled for June 22-July 1, 2006. Click here for the new brochure and itinerary. We will limit the number of pilgrims to 50 to insure easy access and an intimate time for everyone! (Registration Status: 14 registered, 36 openings.)

2) In partnership with the Vatican's Notre Dame Center our Deacon's Spiritual Renewal Conference & Pilgrimage to the Holy Land is scheduled for September 8-17, 2006. Brochures are now available. We are inviting 100 deacons and their wives from around the world. Please pass the word to any deacons you know and love.
3) In 2007 we have two “Footprints of Mary &
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Jesus Pilgrmages” planned. The Lenten Pilgrimage in preparation for Easter is March 9 – 18, 2007. The Fall trip is scheduled for Aug. 31 – Sept. 9, 2007. Brochures will be available soon.
For questions or registration: please e-mail the very friendly Connie Goode at Corporate Travel or call her at at 800-727-1999 ext. 121 or 150, or 313-565-8888 ext 121 or 150.  Visit our Pilgrimage Page for future pilgrimages, a Photo Album, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Brochures, Daily Schedules, safety, websites, updates, and more.

Holy Ground Click here for an inspiring new article by Steve Ray originally published in Lay Witness Magazine