One of our favorite days when I give give two of my favorite talks in northern Israel and the Golan Heights and along the shores of the sea. We start with Mass at Beatitudes (homily here) and then drive north to the Lebanese border while listening to the vocation stories of our two priests.

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We Drove north and along the Lebanese border to Banias which is the Caesarea Philippi of biblical times and I give my talk there “Peter: the Rock and the Keys.” Then to a Druze restaurant for a wonderful lunch followed by a stop along the Syrian border where we talked about the problems in the Middle East and what we as Catholics can do to support persecuted Christians.

Back down to the Sea of Galilee to visit the Church of the Primacy of Peter where I gave my talk on John 21 — and then to Tabgha where we celebrate the multiplication of the loaves and fish. We then had two hours of free time at our hotel before regrouping for a marvelous dinner at the Magdalena Restaurant which is one of the finest restaurants in Israel. Enjoy!
