An e-mail I received:
I have not viewed the video yet, but I am one of 22 converts from Protestantism to Catholicism in 4 years, in a tiny parish in Central California. 18 of the 22 came from the same Protestant church, but honestly we didn’t communicate with one another very much until someone was actually out. This was not a case of “stealing the sheep.”

I can only describe it as the Holy Spirit drawing us to the truth and beauty of the Catholic Church, in all different ways–the intellectuals got their fill, the ones who received experientially got that. We have a wonderful, wonderful priest who loves RCIA, which he teaches himself since the church is so small.

Each person must speak for him/herself, but I can tell you that the very first time I went to Mass, I knew I was home. I have written a pretty long conversion story which I may send you in due time. I was received into the Church on June 13, 2010, and that ranks as one of the very best days of my life, right up there with my wedding day.

It took me a year and a half to become a Catholic since I needed a Pauline Privilege ruling. It was infinitely worth the wait. My dear husband of 27 years followed me into the Truth five weeks ago at the Easter Vigil. Though we are not young, we love Jesus more and more and feel that the best is yet to be.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jim

    Welcome Home! I was received into the Church in 2006, and I am almost 49.

    ( From no religion, by the way. )

    Many blessings to you all!

  2. Greg

    Yes you are right the best is yet to come and welcome home. Don’t ever stop trying to learn more about the faith. The more you learn the more alive you will feel. Be alive in your faith and not dead. Like the late Archbishop Fulton Sheen said, “Dead bodies float downstream”!

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