A friend sent me this list of sites where you can get free — and some almost free — Catholic materials. Enjoy!

Excellent Catholic Musician: Karl Kohlhase, also a convert, his conversion story is on http://www.chnetwork.org/kkconv.htm.  All of his music is free, and can be downloaded at http://www.k4communications.com.

Talks from Franciscan University Adult Conferences at http://franciscanconferences.com/Media/   Talks and music from Franciscan University Youth Conferences (aka "Steubenville Retreats") at http://franciscanyouth.com/Multimedia/

The Mary Foundation gives away their CDs, they just ask for a donation to cover shipping and copying expenses, at http://www.catholicity.com/maryfoundation/

Not completely free, but darn close, http://www.giftfoundation.org/pages/naked_without_shame.htm has a great 10-CD teaching on the Theology of the Body by Christopher West for $3.90, based on Pope John Paul II's teachings.  Great CD set, beautifully explained.  There's also a book by West as well.  Book available at http://www.ascensionpress.com/shop/Scripts/prodView.asp?idproduct=348). 

Good site for tracts and free music downloads at http://www.nw-cybermall.com/Rock-of-Inspiration/index.htm
