Fr. Corapi says he is no longer “Fr.” Corapi, but simply John Corapi since he is leaving the ministry of the priesthood. He is now aiming for a larger audience.
I am saddened by the whole situation. Maybe there is injustice in the way he was handled, and maybe not. Time will tell the whole story. But in the meantime I think Fr. Corapi has made grave errors with his reaction.
Blaming the Church is not the correct road to take. He could learn from saints like Padre Pio and others who submitted to the Church even in trying times. Padre Pio was sanctioned for over 10 years and humbly placed his life and situation into the hands of God.
The logo image of the black dog (below) with sheep and wolves reflecting in his eyes seems ominous to me. To take the moniker “Black Sheep Dog” implies a dangerous message.
Sheep dogs work for shepherds. When the sheep dog rebels against the shepherd and decides to go off on his own to “care” for the sheep, there is something wrong. When a priest denies his priesthood, rejects the authority of the bishop and decides to go it on his own, he is not in the right place and is one I want nothing to do with.
Pray for Fr. Corapi, yes; but pray more for those who will be damaged and scandalized by his situation and decisions.
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Click on his new logo with the eyes to read or listen to Corapi’s announcement.
Read the most recent report by National Catholic Register HERE. It appears Corapi is playing games from the way I am reading this. National Catholic Register provides new info and analysis on John Corapi. Interesting read. Why did he pay his former employee for her signature to disclose nothing that happened to her while employed by him? Try to figure out who really is his authority. Seems he may have circumvented or avoided any authority other than his own. Black sheep dog or Lone Ranger?
Jimmy Akin’s Monday update – excellent detailed analysis from new info HERE
Al Kresta’s Excellent Comments
An excellent detailed article “What if Christ had Quit? HERE
Read the recent article in CNA HERE and from FR. JOE
I agree with the Creative Monority Report HERE
I especially like Jimmy Akin’s response in National Catholic Register entitled Fr. Corapi Has Lost It HERE
For a boatload of other articles and blogs, visit HERE
For many comments and thoughts, arguments and explanations, visit my Facebook page at
YouTube Satire HERE
Audio Satire: God’s Chihuahuas
It is a problem when a Catholic priest becomes such a personality that it almost forms a personality cult. Too many are willing to “stand by their man” no matter what. This is dangerous.
We need to love our priests but to be loyal to the Church first. It is also a problem when people want to stand by the priest but then are quite willing to throw the bishop under the bus. A priest needs to love the Church first, and his ministry second. I think Fr. Corapi has got the priorities turned around.
Pray for Fr. Corapi, but pray harder for the Church and for those who will be damaged by this fiasco.
From Michelle Arnold, Catholic Answers Apologist:
Before anyone feels too much sympathy for the man once known as Fr. Corapi, and who now chooses to be known as The Black SheepDog (?!), I recommend reading the story of Fr. Charles Murphy (link HERE), who died almost exactly one week before Corapi’s announcement. Fr. Murphy was cleared TWICE of accusations of sexual impropriety by the same Church John Corapi claims is unable to assess his own case fairly. (And in both cases, Fr. Murphy was charged with actions falsely alleged to have occurred decades ago.) Fr. Murphy may have died a broken man, but he died carrying the cross of Christ.
Michelle Arnold
Staff Apologist, Apologetics Dept.
Catholic Answers
