If not, why not? Obama has declared June as Gay Pride Month.
Therefore as an American (if indeed you are one), your nation is including you in a celebration — celebrating the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, trans-gender lifestyle!
Hey Obama, I object!! I want to opt out of your perverted declaration.
Not only opt out — I want to protest! So this is my protest. Obama, I resent you for working to destroy the moral fabric of America.
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If you want to celebrate perversion — do so on your own time. DO NOT make it an American celebration.
You have NO RIGHT to include me and my family in such a despicable declaration.
I long for the day when you are no longer in the news. I look forward to the day when dignity and honor, morality and intelligence, experience and humility are returned to the White House.
I long for the day you can no longer assume to speak for me and my family. Your arrogance and inexperience cannot disappear fast enough for me. I pray for the day you can no longer work to destroy our country.
Not THAT is something we will all celebrate!
