New Biblical Discoveries and Construction in Galilee

In recent years there have been some exciting discoveries in Galilee. The Legionaries of Christ have purchased land on the Sea of Galilee – land which was Magdala of the New Testament. This is the city made famous by Mary Magdelene, or Mary of Magdala.
Under the ground they have discovered the ancient city, the Via Maris (“The Way by the Sea”) and more importantly one of the earliest synagogues ever discovered in Israel. It was used by the first Judeo-Christians. Jesus almost certainly visited Magdala.
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Here the Legionaries are building a Christian retreat and study center. It will be called the Notre Dame Galilee.
If you are in the Denver area, you might like to join the Galilee Gala on June 8. Here this new project will be explained in great detail. You can also donate to this very worthy cause. You can read about it in the Denver Post here. The Legionaries letter is here.
To find out more about Magdala Center, go to or Fr. John Solana and Fr. Eamon Kelly are in charge of the project and very good friends of ours. God bless their work.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jamie

    Wow, this is so interesting! Thanks for sharing!

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