Tuesday, 10/24/2006

We have a wonderful group! These Legatus folks are splendid with a real touch of class. We are also staying in a very  nice hotel — the Rimonin Galilea Hotel in Tiberas right on the shore of the Sea of Galilee.

Today we drove the 1/2 hour to Mount Tabor, the Mount of Transfiguration. It was here that Jesus was transfigured before his three disciples Peter, James and John and it was hear the Moses and Elijah came down from heaven to discuss Jesus' "exodus" that would take place in Jerusalem. This is always a favorite place and from the top you can see much of Israel. It was also here that Jesus gave his Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-21.

Then on to Cana of Galilee where all the married folks renewed wedding vows. There were more than a few tears of joy and love shed here. Then we hear "Kiss the bride." It was at this location that John 2 tells us of Jesus' first miracle and I gave a talk on the significance of this power passage of Scripture. We also toured the ancient 1st century ruins under the Wedding Church to see the streets and foundations that Jesus and Mary say with their own eyes. What a thrill to see them 2,000 years later.

After a nice lunch in the valley we drove back up to Nazareth where we took 1/2 hour to shop at Mazawi's Christian Gift Shop before going up to the Church of the Annunciation where we celebrated Mass in the Grotto of the Annunciation. This is where Gabriel approached Mary and where the Incarnation began. On the altar in the grotto are these words (though in Latin): "The Word became flesh HERE!."

We then visited the Church of St. Joseph built over the cave where the Holy Family lived during the 30 Silent Years of Jesus before his earthly ministry began. Then to the upper church to see the mosaics of Mary and Jesus donated by the countries of the world and the magnificent mural painted in the front of the church. Then back to the hotel in Tiberias.

After a short rest we had a sumptuous dinner at our favorite Israeli restaurant — Aberge Shulamit in Upper Galilee. A great time was had by all. Hopefully I'll have pictures and more soon.
