The following is from my Charismatic Catholic pastor at Christ the King parish in Ann Arbor Michigan. And before you begin to question him and criticize the Charismatic Movement in the Church, let me tell you that Fr. Ed has been there almost 20 years, received our whole family into the Catholic Church. He now has 23 marvelous men from our small parish in the seminary! Our parish has more men in the seminary than any other parish in the Western hemisphere!
At the talk I gave at the parish mission during our weekly prayer meeting, I pointed out several useful sources that should be studied by those interested in penetrating more deeply the wisdom of the Church concerning the Catholic charismatic renewal.   First and foremost is the crucial speech that Pope John Paul II gave to leaders in the renewal. The link for that speech is:  However, it is also attached to this email.
Another very valuable reference is the crucial book by Cardinal Suenens, that was personally recommended by Pope Paul VI: Leon Joseph Cardinal Suenens, A New Pentecost?, (New York: Seabury Press, 1975).
A very helpful resource for charting the use of the charismatic gifts in the early rite of initiation in the Church is: Christian Initiation and Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Evidence from the First Eight Centuries, by Kilian McDonnell and George T. Montague, 2nd, revised edition, (Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1994).
Finally, there is a wonderful compilation of papal speeches on the charismatic renewal: Pesare, Oreste, compiler. “Then Peter stood up…” Collection of the Popes’ Addresses to the Catholic Charismatic Renewal from its Origin to the Year 2000. (Vatican City: International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services, 2000.)  May the Lord Jesus bless you as you study the presence and power of His Spirit in His Church!
Fr. Ed
P.S. If you didn’t get to hear this talk, it’s available online at our audio Web site. Just go to and click on the April 1 talk, or on the category “Parish Mission 2011.”
